Dr. Romeo Kolegbe

Romeo Kolegbe
Zentrum für Lehre und Lernen (ZLL)
Academic Staff Member- Writing didactics, university didactics, writing counselling
- Intercultural teaching and learning methods
- Tutorial work
- Dealing with AI in academic work
- Literature of the High and Late Middle Ages on the topics: Historical narratology, literary communication, research on space, emotions, dialogue, topos, identity, disputes, etc.
- Kolegbe, Romeo (2024): Wiedererzählte Räume und Räume des Wiedererzählens im Iwein-Stoff: Eine vergleichende Analyse zwischen Hartmanns von Aue „Iwein“ und Chrétiens de Troyes „Yvain“. Beitrag im Sammelband „Senefiance“ der Presses Universitaires de Provence zu den Vorträgen des Dreijährigen Kongresses der Internationalen Artusgesellschaft in Aix-Marseille Université 12.-18. Juli 2024. (in Vorbereitung)
- Kolegbe, Romeo (2021): Klangmagie in Gottfrieds von Straßburg ‚Tristan‘. In: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Germanistenverbandes 1, Bd. 68, S. 26-30.
- Kolegbe, Romeo (2021): Identitätssuche im Wald. Zur Funktion von Sprossräumen im Lanzelet Ulrichs von Zatzikhoven und im Wigalois Wirnts von Grafenberg. Beitrag im Sammelband zum Workshop: Der Wald in der Literatur des Mittelalters Konzepte – Funktionen – Deutungen. (eingereicht)
- Kolegbe, Romeo (2021): Der Wald zwischen locus terribilis und locus horribilis in Heinrichs von Veldeke „Eneasroman“. Miszelle im Sammelband zum Workshop: Der Wald in der Literatur des Mittelalters Konzepte – Funktionen – Deutungen. (eingereicht)
- Kolegbe, Romeo (2019): Machtkommunikation in »Der Ackermann« des Johannes von Tepl. In: Kritische Ausgabe, Zeitschrift für Literatur im Dialog 36, S. 11-17.
- Kolegbe, Romeo (2019): Dissertation: Raumbeschreibung und emotionale Kommunikation in höfischen Romanen. Kassel 2019.
Professional activity
- Since August 2024 research assistant at the Center for Teaching and Learning at the European University Viadrina
- 01.04.2023 - 31.12.2023 Writing consultant/writing coach in the service centre "Promotion of writing and study skills" of the working area "Discrimination-critical opening of the university and promotion of educational biographies - Competence Network
Quality Development in Studies and Teaching (KomNetz-QSL)" - 01 October 2018 - 30 September 2022 Research assistant at the Professorship of Older German Literature at the
University of Passau - 04.10.2011-31.05.2012 German teacher at the public school "College Pythagore" in Benin
- 05.11.2010-03.12.2010 Internship at the Kreisgymnasium Riedlingen in Germany
- 2008-2010 French lessons in a monastery of the "Oblates Cathéchistes Petites Servantes
des Pauvres in Benin" (OCPSP)
Academic education
- WiSe 19/20-SoSe 2022 Regular participation in the qualitative teaching evaluation according to the TAP
(Teaching Analysis Poll) concept
- 2019-2020 Additional qualification for university didactics teaching+ "Certificate in university teaching at
Bavarian universities" - 11 February 2019 PhD at the Free University of Berlin
- Oct. 2015-June 2018 Doctoral scholarship from the Elsa Neumann Foundation of the State of Berlin (NaFöG)
- 29.06.-30.06.2015 Participation in the Professional Development Programme for doctoral students at the Dahlem Research School of the Freie Universität Berlin. Good scientific practice: writing and publishing
- Oct. 2012-July 2014 Master's: Double degree in 'Older German Literature' as a scholarship holder of the Erasmus Mundus Master's programme GLITEMA (German Literature in The European Middle Ages) at the Universities of Bremen and Palermo
- Oct. 2010-July 2012 Maîtrise thesis: in the subject 'Interkulturelle Germanistik' at the Université d'Abomey Calavi in Benin with a focus on 'German and Beninese Fairy Tales' as a scholarship holder of the country of Benin
- Oct. 2007-Aug. 2010 Licence (Bachelor) in 'Interkulturelle Germanistik' at the Université d'Abomey Calavi in Benin as a scholarship holder of the country of Benin
- 2007-2008 Certificate in Rhetoric and Commitment in University Leadership
- 20/07/2007 Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement du Second Degré, Série : A1, Universités Nationales du Benin
- 2000 -2007 Collège d'Enseignement Générale d'Abomey-Calavi (CEG) in Benin
- 1996 - 1999 Ecole primaire publique d'Agori Groupe A
- 1993 - 1996 Ecole primaire publique de Houéyogbé Groupe A
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15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
- GD 117