International academics - Incoming

Dear Lecturers, Dear Professors, Dear Doctoral Students
We are very pleased that you are interested in spending time at the European University Viadrina.
In the following pages you will find a collection of information about mobility programs, tips for planning your journey and useful advice about your stay in Germany, Frankfurt (Oder) and at the Viadrina.
Erasmus+ Program (EU)
Erasmus+ is a European Union program which enables lecturers to be visiting teachers abroad in the participating European countries. If you would like to teach within the framework of the Erasmus+ program abroad, a corresponding cooperation agreement must exist between your home university and Viadrina.
Erasmus+ with partner countries (KA107) for promotion and lectureship at the Viadrina
The KA107 support as a part of the Erasmus+ program enables mobility in “non-program countries” which are known as partner countries. The program supports the mobility of students, doctoral students, university teachers and staff of the universities with which Viadrina has a cooperation agreement.
The financial support includes, amongst other things, a mobility allowance for teaching fellowships, a grant for research fellowships for doctoral students (including a fixed allowance for travel expenses).
Viadrina International Program (VIP) for graduates and doctoral students
The Department of International Affairs, in close cooperation with the Viadrina Center for Graduate Studies (VCGS), conducts the Viadrina International Program - for Graduates (VIP), a grant program for graduate students. The VIP is funded by the DAAD from funds of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The VIP offers prospective students of the European University Viadrina as well as international graduate students the opportunity to develop an international research and career profile.