Heide Fest/Viadrina (Fotomontage)
The Viadrina is a place where employees and students feel comfortable and can find contact persons for their personal concerns. Various representatives are available for this purpose, who are committed to the relevant concerns of students and staff.
Read moreThe General Staff Council, the Staff Council for Non-academic Staff and the Staff Council for Academic Staff represent the interests of employees. They accept suggestions for improving the working environment.
Read moreOnce or twice a year, Viadrina students and employees elect their representatives to the university and student self-administration committees. The university committees include the Senate and the Faculty Councils; in addition, the central and decentralised Gender Equality Offices, persons for conflict resolution in doctoral procedures and the staff councils are elected. The university elections are organised by the election management, the election team and the Central Election Committee.
The student bodies include the student parliament and the student councils. The student elections are organised by the General Student Committee (AStA) and the student election management.
Heide Fest
The Student Parliament (StuPa) is the highest decision-making body of the student body. The StuPa manages the student body's budget, elects the General Students' Committee (AStA) and, for example, the student representatives for the Student Union.
The General Student Committee (AStA) is the governing body of the constituted student body. The AStA represents the students of Viadrina vis-à-vis the university and is elected annually by the student parliament.The Fachschaftsräte (FSR) are student committees that are elected by the students of the respective faculty.The tasks of the student representatives include organising student, academic, social and cultural events, supporting and advising students of the respective faculty and representing student interests both internally and externally.