Offers for the start of studies
DSH preparation course
In order to begin a German-language course of study at Viadrina, you need proof of your linguistic ability to study. For this purpose, we offer you the German Language Test for University Admission (DSH).
In preparation for the DSH, we recommend the DSH Preparation Course. This course offers you intensive, skill-oriented preparation for the various parts of the exam: Listening Comprehension, Reading Comprehension, Scientific Language Structures, Text Production and Oral Language Competence. In the course you will get to know the types of tasks that appear in the DSH and practice important strategies for successfully completing all parts of the exam.
Kick-off for studies
The project week enables first-year students from Germany and all over the world to get to know Frankfurt (Oder) as a place to study, the European University Viadrina and future fellow students. For a successful project work, the participants of all study programs are equipped with the tools of project management and teamwork.
Viadrina Intensive Track
The Viadrina Intensive Track enables international school graduates, who normally cannot study directly in Germany after graduating from school in their home country and therefore have an indirect university entrance qualification, to participate in a 12-month study preparation program. In addition, Polish prospective students with a direct university entrance qualification in Germany as well as prospective students with a refugee background have the opportunity to participate in the Viadrina Intensive Track.
Participants are intensively prepared linguistically, professionally and methodically for studying in Germany. After successful completion of the program, the participants have the opportunity to study at the European University Viadrina. Depending on the prerequisites and university entrance qualification, the participants can start the following study programs at the European University Viadrina after completion of the Viadrina Intensive Track and fulfillment of all matriculation requirements:

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Intensive Track
Economics (Bachelor's degree programs in International Business Administration or Law and Economics | Business and Law)
Read more...Law (Bachelor program German-Polish Law / Deutsch-Polnisches Jurastudium)
Read more...Economics (Bachelor's degree programs in International Business Administration or Law and Economics | Business and Law)
Read more...all undergraduate and bachelor programs of the European University Viadrina
Read more...>>> Application deadline for non-EU citizens for the start of the winter semester 2022/23: February 20, 2022
>>> Application deadline for EU citizens and refugees for the start of the winter semester 2022/23: June 1, 2022
Viadrina Law Track
For your successful studies in the German-Polish Law Track, very good German language skills are mandatory. The Viadrina Law Track Online enables you to deepen and expand your existing knowledge in an intensive German course in preparation for your studies. In addition, you can get a taste of the three main areas of law - civil law, public law and criminal law - during specialized lectures and familiarize yourself with your future place of study on both sides of the Oder River as part of an attractive accompanying program.

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Viadrina Fast Track
The Viadrina Fast Track enables international prospective students to study cultural studies or economics at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) directly after graduating from school. Attendance at a preparatory college or previous studies in the home country are thus not necessary. Participants complete a three-month preparatory course (Propädeutikum) in the summer. After successful completion of this course, they can begin their Bachelor's studies at the European University Viadrina directly.
Viadrina Study Bridge
The Studienbrücke program is aimed at high school students or school graduates with an outstanding academic record who are interested in studying. Participants are specifically prepared in their home country for direct entry into a bachelor's program at a German partner university in the subject of economics or a MINT subject (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology).
Graduates of the Viadrina Studienbrücke program can apply to the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) for the bachelor's degree programs in International Business Administration or Law and Economics | Business and Law.