Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

Viadrina Via-Kampagne Wiwi-Motiv

Think globally and study in the heart of Europe

Study successfully in the heart of the European Union, at the gates of Berlin! The European University Viadrina makes it possible.

Students from over 80 nations meet at European University Viadrina to study together and prepare for an international professional life. In our degree programs, our students acquire the ability to think and act globally in addition to basic business skills, which teaches interdisciplinary, international and intercultural competence.

The location of the European University Viadrina in the heart of the European Union makes it an ideal place to acquire knowledge and skills in a European context, which opens attractive career prospects for our alumni, e.g., in European companies or European institutions.

Living and studying in two countries, Poland, and Germany, at the same time - studying at the renowned and familiar Faculty of Business Administration and Economics makes it possible for you - naturally without tuition fees.

Quote Anlly Grajales, M.A.


This journey has been an incredible mix of learning, growth, and unforgettable experiences. One of the highlights of my time here has been the opportunity to work during my studies at Market Logic Software. This experience allowed me to not only sharpen my technical skills but also to gain a deeper understanding of market intelligence and software development. Working alongside such a talented team has been a true privilege.

Anlly Grajales, M.A.

Study Business at the Viadrina

In our degree programs, our students acquire the ability to think and act globally in addition to fundamental business knowledge. Interdisciplinary, international and intercultural skills are taught here. Every large company needs economists: No matter whether it is a listed global corporation, an NGO, a hospital, or a political party - they cannot manage without a managerial background in business administration and economics.

With us, you will gain profound insights into the corporate world already during your studies. In courses with a integrated internships and stays abroad, you can gain important experience and sharpen your eye for the problems that are relevant in practice.

Through this and with the support of our Career Center and Start-Up Center, studying at Viadrina opens attractive career prospects for you in the international working world. Our worldwide alumni network also supports you in your international career.

10 good reasons to study Business at Viadrina:

  1. Integrated stays abroad / double degrees
    ... in a network of more than 200 partner universities worldwide, 14 double programs, excellently organized by the International Office
  2. Many specialization possibilities
    ... Specialization options in many elective module groups according to individual preferences
  3. Top university rankings
    ... at CHE, MultiRank, Gründerradar
  4. Location advantage
    ... cross-border studies in two countries, just outside Berlin
  5. Attractive university campus
    ... modern, located directly in the city center, short distances in between
  6. Integrated foreign language education
    ... at Viadrina's state-of-the-art Language Center in nine languages with internationally recognized professional language certificate (Unicert, DSH)
  7. Excellent equipment
    ... well-equipped lecture halls and seminar rooms
  8. Career service
    ... best job prospects with the support of our career center, start-up center as well as global alumni network
  9. Low costs
    ... no tuition fees and low living costs, affordable housing on both sides of the Oder
  10. Innovative 7+1 teaching concept
    ... block teaching increases study success, high compatibility with study abroad options

International orientation

In our study programs they spend a mandatory or optional integrated study abroad at one of our partner universities. With a network of over 200 partner universities worldwide, Viadrina actively supports you in planning and organizing a study period at a foreign university.

With selected partner universities around the world, there is also the possibility of earning one of the coveted integrated double degrees. In this case, our students spend two semesters at one of the selected partner universities and receive the degrees of both universities.

The high level of international student mobility at Viadrina, the ERASMUS quality seal as well as constant top positions in national and international rankings (e.g. CHE, Multirank ) and the proportion of 48 percent international students at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics confirm the success of Viadrina's international orientation.

Quote Sofia Martynova, B.A.


I still remember the day of my last-round interview for the "Viadrina Fast Track" Programme with DAAD Support, which turned out to be a pivotal moment in my life. That day, I was accepted into the IBA programme. Throughout this period, I was actively developing myself and searching for my path. I realize that this journey of learning and self-discovery never truly ends. Comparing myself to that seventeen-year-old girl with a suitcase and frightened eyes, I see now a strong individual who faces obstacles head-on and persistently pursues her goals.

Sofia Martynova, B.A.

Bachelor programmes

The six- or seven-semester Bachelor's programme is divided into a basic education and a specialisation. In the first three semesters, which serve as orientation, our students receive a sound education in the areas of (international) business administration, economics and accompanying methodological subjects such as mathematics and statistics. The second part of the programme (4th to 6th/7th semesters) is used for profiling. Within the scope of the specialisation, our students can specialize in different areas depending on their individual interests.

In the Bachelor's programmes International Business Administration and Internationale Betriebswirtschaftslehre (International Business Administration, mainly in german), our students complete an integrated semester abroad (optionally two semesters) at an international university during the second part of their studies. In the Bachelor's programmes Business Taxation (mainly in germen), Recht und Wirtschaft | Wirtschaft und Recht (Law and Business | Business and Law, mainly in german) as well as Wirtschaftsprüfung (Auditing, mainly in german), the semester abroad is optional.

Prospective students that want to pursue a bachelor's degree in business administration have the opportunity to select from four programmes:

Quote Canh Duc Nguyen, M.A.


Two and a half years of hard work and research within the Information and Operations Management (IOM) and Marketing and Management (M&M) tracks have culminated in this incredibly rewarding achievement. A heartfelt thank you to my mentors, colleagues, friends, and family, who supported me every step of the way.

Canh Duc Nguyen, M.A.

Master programmes

Are you currently looking for an international master's degree in business administration and economics at an interesting place of study? You can imagine working in the future as a manager in internationally operating companies or organizations or to found your own company? You would like to be trained in small multi-national teams, excellently taught and supervised by internationally renowned lecturers?

Then our Master's programmes are exactly the right choice for you. In four semesters (full-time, studying part-time ist possible), you will acquire professional skills in various disciplines with an international focus, as well as the increasingly important intercultural skills. You will acquire these skills through integrated stays abroad for one or more semesters at our more than 200 partner universities as well as interdisciplinary courses at the neighbouring Faculty of Law and Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies.

Consistent top positions in rankings such as the CHE ranking underline the high quality of the Master's programmes at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics of the European University Viadrina. Living and studying in two countries, Poland and Germany, at the same time - an international Master's programme at the renowned and familiar Faculty of Business Administration and Economics makes it possible for you - of course without tuition fees.

For those interested who already have a first university degree qualifying them for a profession, e.g. a Bachelor's degree, we offer the Master's programmes as further study options: