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Securing Futures


With the project "Securing Futures: Educational and Research Biographies" Viadrina University wants to go beyond mere emergency and support measures and offer students a perspective for the future and contribute to the resilience of the Ukrainian higher education system. In this context, students receive financial support in the form of an annual scholarship to receive a qualitative education. 

We are proud to announce that our scholarship program currently supports 16 undergraduate (B.A.), 3 postgraduate (M.A.), and 3 doctoral (Ph.D.) students. This full-time scholarship offers financial support for a duration ranging from 6 months to 1 year, with the possibility of extension for eligible recipients. 

The aim of the project is to train multipliers for German-Ukrainian cooperation in a variety of ways who, following the support, will be ready to analyse and solve future challenges in a knowledge-based, networked, and trans-sectorally thinking manner. This is made possible for young people by the extensive accompanying program of the so-called Future Lab for Ukraine. With the help of the trans-sectoral platform of the Future Lab for Ukraine, members of the university are to experience practice-oriented modules in the sense of challenge-based learning and be trained as transnational and trans-sectorally thinking multipliers for the reconstruction of Ukraine. Following the funding, the graduates will be able to use the forward-looking skills they have acquired to contribute to the reconstruction of Ukraine and to act as multipliers and bridge-builders for German-Ukrainian cooperation in business and science. Based on the many years of cooperation with Ukrainian HEIs, civil society, and municipal actors, Viadrina can draw on an existing network for this support.

Securing Futures_projects of 2023

Student's impressions  of the program​​​

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