News 2025


Viadrina students discuss the education system of the future in Indonesia


Viadrina students Tom Sauer and Awanish Srivastava took part in the International Student Conference (ISC) at the Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (UNPAR) in Indonesia from 20 to 25 January 2025. Following the motto "Empower the Youth, Shape the Future", they exchanged ideas with other international students and, at the end, took on the roles of politicians from the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) as part of a model general assembly in Jakarta.

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Research results

Between fleeing and returning - KIU scholarship holder Tetyana Panchenko researches the lives of Ukrainian refugees in Germany


While the war in their home country continues, 20 Ukrainian academics are currently executing their research projects at the Viadrina and elsewhere, funded by the scholarship programme of the KIU Competence Network for Interdisciplinary Ukrainian Studies. One of them is Prof Dr Tetyana Panchenko, who has been researching Ukrainian refugees in Germany for the last three years. She is interested in what ideas they had when they came to Germany, how they are integrating and whether they can imagine returning to Ukraine.

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Rio - Cape Town - Frankfurt (Oder). Anderson Lucas Macedo receives award for sociolinguistic doctoral thesis

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The Brazilian linguist Anderson Lucas Macedo has written an award-winning dissertation on language variation in Cape Town, South Africa, at the Viadrina and his home university, the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) in Rio de Janeiro. For his work, which was supervised at the Viadrina by Prof Dr Konstanze Jungbluth, he has now received the prize for the best dissertation of 2024 from his university. He will be a guest at the Viadrina again at the end of January.

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