Konferenzen und Sommerschulen

International Student Seminar for Global Citizenship & Peace 2024

Student Seminar, 1 to 10 August 2024

The International Student Seminar for Global Citizenship and Peace is a unique immersion program which is hosted by Hiroshima University in Japan.  Since 2006, the seminar welcomes students from around the world from INU member universities and is structured around the August 6 commemoration of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

The seminar prepares an international group of approx 60 students to live and learn as engaged global citizens. The Student Seminar provides students with a working knowledge of global citizenship and peace with a focus on cross-disciplinary problem, solving of real-world political, economic, social, and cultural problems. Workshops are delivered by Faculty from across INU member universities, with expertise across a range of disciplines relating to the theme.

The aims of this year’s seminar are to explore the causes, effects and consequences of wars and conflicts on various areas and agendas and to discuss mechanisms for their prevention for a peaceful world.

Location: Hiroshima University, Japan

Language: English

Viadrinicum 2024: Urban Collaboratory. Constructing Learning Infrastructures

Summer School, 17 August – 1 September 2024

Viadrinicum is an annual summer school at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), devoted to the countries of the Eastern Partnership and the larger context of Central and Eastern Europe. Building on the discussions around the notion of learning city during the last year’s edition, in 2024 the school focuses on urban space as the space for various (un)learning practices, activating different modes of knowing, sensing and being/becoming together. 

It invites students, young researchers, civil society activists, artists and cultural workers to critically reflect upon the experiences of (un)learning as a vehicle of urban transformation through constant re-imagining of the cityscape contours and trajectories. Attentive to the promises of participatory pedagogics and spatial aspects of knowledge production, the school looks into the ways how learning infrastructures are constructed through institutions of formal and non-formal education, as well as into their potential for creating diverse and transgenerational learning communities.

Location: Frankfurt (Oder) & Słubice


"Europe Left Alone? The Future of Transatlantic Relations from a Weimar Triangle Perspective"

Genshagen Trilateral Summer School, 21 - 28 August 2024

Every summer since 2012, the Genshagen Trilateral Summer School brings together Master’s and PhD students from German, French, and Polish universities at Genshagen Castle close to Berlin to discuss a topic of European relevance. This year’s edition will take place from 21-28 August 2024 and will deal with the future of transatlantic relations. The structure of the Summer School will be threefold. First, a series of lectures given
by experts on the topic will provide participants with an overview of diff erent aspects, challenges, and implications of transatlantic relations. This theoretical part will be complemented, secondly, by a study trip to Berlin during which participants will get the chance to discuss the Summer School topic with practitioners active in the policy fi eld. At the end of the Summer School, thirdly, students will develop a future agenda for transatlantic relations (against the backdrop of a possible American withdrawal from Europe). The summer school is co-organised by the Lettres Sorbonne Université and the European University Viadrina.

Application deadline: 9 June 2024

Who can apply?
Students at Master’s level as well as PhD students enrolled at a German, French or Polish university (all nationalities) and students with German, French or Polish nationality enrolled at universities in other countries.

Location: Genshagen Castle, Am Schloss 1, 14974 Ludwigsfelde, Germany

Language: English

14th Global Governance & Compliance Forum

International Forum, 9 September 2024

This year's conference will take place in a special setting. As a result of a long and fruitful collaboration between Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa and European University Viadrina, the 14th edition of this globally recognized event will take place in Lisbon. During the Forum, with about 25 international experts representing academia, industry and authorities, the participants will intensively deal with all relevant trends and challenges of governance and compliance in organizations.

The conference is free of charge. There is a limited number of places available on site for Delegates and Participants. Registration will be processed on a first come, first served basis. Participation in the conference is only possible after an additional confirmation by email.

Location: Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Palácio Dos Condes Do Redondo, R. de Santa Marta 56, 1169-023 Lisboa, Portugal

Language: English

The XI. Tensions of Europe Conference

International Conference, 19 to 21 September 2024

We live in a world of constant change. There are periods, however, of accelerated change in the political, economic, social or technological sphere. Usually, these spheres are closely interrelated and entangled. If this change is of fundamental character, scientists usually speak of ´transformations´. Common examples are the political and economic system changes, i.e. transformations, in Latin America, Southern Europe or Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in the past decades.

The aim of the conference is to shed light on technological, but also political, societal and environmental sides of these transformations in Europe and other regions in past and present. Technology can be a major factor to enhance, slow down or ease such transformations. Processes of circulation and appropriation of knowledge, ideas and artefacts provide a broad field of research to better understand aspects of political, societal or environmental transformations in connection with technology. Special attention can be paid to the following themes: (1) technologies as a driver of political, societal or environmental changes or as an obstacle, (2) technological “revolutions”, transitions and “transformations” and their impact on politics, societies and environment, (3) discourses on (technological) changes, especially with regard to sustainability.

Deadline for registration: July 2024

Location: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

Gaming & Esports Summit

Economics & Business Conference, October 10 to 11, 2024

The conference will provide a platform for exchanging innovative thoughts and creating cooperation between researchers in the fields of business & economics related to gaming and esports.

Contact: videogaming@europa-uni.de

Location: ESCP Business School, Berlin

Bartoszewski Promemoria 4 „Friedenskommunikation: Mediation, Sprache, Politik"

Symposium am 14. November 2024

Bereits zum vierten Mal findet das Bartoszewski Promemoria Symposium an der Viadrina statt. Nachdem 2023 moderne Formen der Solidarität in aktuellen Krisen diskutiert wurden, widmet sich das diesjährige Symposium der Friedenskommunikation und der Schlichtung von Konflikten und Krisensituationen mit den Mitteln der Diplomatie. Mit dem Einführungsvortrag von Prof. Dr. Grażyna Szpor erhalten die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer einen Eindruck von den Gefahren für den Frieden durch Falsch- und Desinformation mit Hilfe von KI. In der anschließenden Diskussion zwischen deutschen und polnischen Expertinnen und Experten werden Friedenskommunikation und ihre Störfaktoren erörtert. Dabei geht es zunächst um den Gebrauch von Sprache und die Bedeutung interkultureller Kompetenzen. Die Rolle von Kritik, Ironie und Hassrede wird erläutert. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt auf verschiedenen Methoden der Mediation zur Konfliktlösung im nationalen und internationalen Kontext. Dabei wird das Verständnis für Informationsaustausch und multilateralen Dialog betont. Abschließend wird das Weimarer Dreieck zur Neupositionierung Europas als "Friedensprojekt" thematisiert. Den Abschluss bildet eine zivilgesellschaftlich/kirchliche Perspektive.

Informationen zu Programm und Anmeldung folgen Ende August 2024.

Ort: Logensaal, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Logenstr. 11, Frankfurt (Oder) und Livestream

Sprache: Deutsch und Polnisch

VCPU Annual Conference 2025

Conference, 22 and 23 May 2025

The VCPU Annual Conference 2025 is dedicated to the conclusion of the 7-year research project "Mod-Block-DDR" and to the focus on the current and future challenges of Polish and Ukrainian studies at the European University Viadrina. Both events are marked by the terms "modernization" and "transformation": The summary of the research results on socialist modernization in the GDR and the People's Republic of Poland, their achievements and blockades, serves as a stimulus to discuss the political, economic, social and cultural transformations of the region of Central and Eastern Europe, especially East Germany, Poland and Ukraine, which have been underway since the 1980s. We would like to dedicate a special place to Ukraine as a new space of modernization changes (migration, opening to Western Europe, integration with the EU) and socio-economic transformation that began with the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war. This opens up the diverse theoretical and methodological possibilities of Polish and Ukrainian studies: interdisciplinarity, which is based on historical, political and cultural studies and brings together the cooperation of scholars from Germany, Poland and Ukraine. The conference thus offers the opportunity to present new research results in the field of Polish and Ukrainian studies, to create new paradigms and to strengthen cross-border scientific dialogue.

Further information will be published soon.

Abteilung für Hochschul­kommunikation