Semester contribution

current amounts

for first-year students: 352,40 Euro
for enrolled students: 346,40 Euro

This is how the semester contribution is calculated:
100,00 € student union fee
  19,00 € student body contribution
  51,00 € registration or re-registration fee
176,40 € mandatory semester ticket (does not apply to continuing education students)
    6,00 € student ID (only for first-year students)

for first-year students: 352,40 Euro
for enrolled students: 346,40 Euro

This is how the semester contribution is calculated:
100,00 € student union fee
  19,00 € student body contribution
  51,00 € registration or re-registration fee
176,40 € mandatory semester ticket (does not apply to continuing education students)
    6,00 € student ID (only for first-year students)

First-year students:

For successful enrollment at Viadrina, proof of payment of the semester contribution, among other things, must be submitted with the enrollment documents. Accepted are e.g. bank statements, receipts of the deposit at the bank or printouts of the online transaction. Evidence that only shows the instruction of the payment execution such as remittance slips will not be accepted. The fee of € 6.00 included in the fee covers the costs for the initial creation of the student ID (chip card).

Enrolled students:

Students who wish to continue their studies at the Viadrina must re-register for the following semester within a deadline set by the University. Valid re-registration means that the full amount has been received by the Viadrina bank account before end of the re-registration period. You can view the status of the respective posting in viaCampus under My Studies > Student service > Bills and Payments.

Payment details:

Recipient: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
IBAN: DE27 1705 5050 3600 3655 91
reason for payment: matriculation number

Address: Sparkasse Oder-Spree, Franz-Mehring-Str. 22, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

Bank charges:
If your payment is not made within the SEPA area, you must expect bank charges. Bank charges are at your expense. Fees of €12.50 are currently to be expected.

Semester contribution components

The Germany Semester Ticket (Deutschlandsemesterticket) is the responsibility of the AStA, who also provides direct information on their website:

Since the summer semester 2024, the semester ticket has been available as a discounted nationwide Germany Semester Ticket for €176.40 per semester.

Students that are not entitled to a ticket and are excluded from using the Germany Semester Ticket:

  • Guest participants and Visiting students,
  • Students who are exclusively enrolled in an evening, online or distance learning course without compulsory attendance ("distance learning students"),
  • Severely disabled persons who are entitled to transportation in accordance with SGB IX and can prove that they are in possession of the supplementary sheet to their severely disabled person's pass and the corresponding token,
  • Students in extra-occupational study courses,
  • Students who can prove that they are taking a semester off or a semester abroad.

Students can be exempted from the Germany Semester Ticket (on application):

  • Students who are unable to use local public transport due to their disability. This also includes temporary disabilities if they also preclude the use of local public transport for the semester. The requirements must be verified by a medical certificate.
  • Students who spend at least three consecutive months of the respective semester outside the area of validity of the Germany semester ticket due to their studies, an internship semester, a semester abroad or as part of their final thesis,
  • Students who are enrolled at two universities with a Germany semester ticket, in which case the ticket can be refunded at one university.

As soon as students belong to the group who are not entitled to the ticket, there is no possibility of receiving the Germany Semester Ticket. For example: Students who are enrolled in a regular study course and an extra-occupational study course at the same time are not entitled to the ticket.

The semester ticket must be paid together with the semester contribution. An exemption from the semester ticket can only be applied for within the re-registration period.

Non-use of the Germany Semester Ticket and the existence of a company ticket do not constitute grounds for exemption.

The Germany Semester Ticket is only available in digital form. To get it, visit the following website: and log in with your EUV credentials. Download the ticket and save it in a wallet (e.g. Google Wallet) to have it available to present it at any time.

Since April 1, 2024, the student ID card can no longer be used as a semester ticket. However, a valid, official photo ID must be carried when using the electronic ticket!

Since the summer semester 2001, all students in the state of Brandenburg have had to pay an enrollment and re-registration fee.

Exempt from this fee are:

  • foreign students studying at the Viadrina as part of an exchange program (Erasmus, Bard-College, Reims, Guelph,...),
  • foreign students who receive a scholarship from federal or state funds,
  • students who are on leave of absence due to illness, care of close relatives within the meaning of the Caregiver Leave Act, maternity/parental leave or call-up for compulsory military or civilian service,
  • students who are simultaneously enrolled at another university in Brandenburg or Berlin and have already paid the fee there.

All students pay the social contribution for the Studentenwerk and the student body contribution per semester for the use of social facilities (canteen, hall of residence, counseling services, accident insurance) and for membership of the student body.

Social contribution for the Studentenwerk:

The Studentenwerk Frankfurt (Oder) is responsible for organizing the social infrastructure at the universities in South and East Brandenburg. To this end, it manages catering facilities and residential facilities, provides student support measures, in particular the implementation of the Federal Training Assistance Act and the granting of loans, and provides advice and assistance in social and cultural areas.

With this range of services, the Studentenwerk is an important part of the German university system for more equal opportunities and efficiency in studies.

Student body contribution:

The contribution for the student body is used to finance the following, among other things:

  • the student body's committee work (student parliament, general student committee, law, Kuwi and Wiwi student councils)
  • support for various student initiatives (this year ELSA, VCG, fforst, Stuck and Kunstgriff)
  • support for numerous projects and project trips (last year, these included Frankfurt-Slubice Pride, a lecture series by critical lawyers, Art an der Grenze, the Hearing Festival, raised beds on campus, concerts by the Viaphoniker, Tanz in den Mai, a trip to the Auschwitz memorial site and much more)
  • Grants for students on low incomes, e.g. for learning materials or semester tickets
  • the maintenance and expansion of university sports at the Viadrina (USC)

If you miss the re-registration deadline, an additional late fee of currently €15.00 must be paid.

This is also listed in viaCampus from the relevant deadline, possibly separately, under "My Studies > Student Service > Bills and payments".

Ways to miss the deadline:

  • Late payments: The amount must be credited in full to the University's bank account by the last day of a deadline. The end date of a deadline is not the last day on which you should make the payment, due to bank processing times.
  • Incomplete payments: Therefore, check the amount in viaCampus and remember that there will be bank charges added to payments from abroad, which will be deducted from the amount.

Service-Point Department 1

Office hours

Monday to Thursday
9.00 am - 3.00 pm

9.00 am - 1.00 pm

Please note any changes!

Contribution exemptions & refunds

Anett Fiebig

Office hours

Monday (by telephone only)
9.00 - 11.00 am

Tuesday and Thursday
(personal consultation hours)
9.00 - 11.00 am