Prof. Dr. Eduard Mühle

Heide Fest
The President directs the European University Viadrina according to the constitution in his or her own authority and responsibility and represents it publicly. In the Presidential Board, he has the authority to issue guidelines and is responsible for the overall strategy of the university. The areas of strategy and development, university communication, appointment management and marketing report directly to the President.
The research focus of the Eastern Europe historian includes the urban, social and economic history of medieval Rusʼ (1985-1992), the contemporary history and transformation of Eastern Central and Eastern European higher education and science systems (1992-1996), the history of the German perception of Eastern Europe and the German-language historiography of Eastern Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries, medieval Poland, East Central European urban history, the history of the Slavs (Slavic discourse and the Slavic idea) in the Middle Ages and modern times and the history of the German-Polish neighbourhood. His work in these areas has been reflected in over a dozen monographs, over 20 anthologies and editions, around 150 essays and smaller contributions as well as over 200 reviews.
Eduard Mühle (born 1957 in Bad Rothenfelde) has been Professor of History of East Central Europe and Eastern Europe at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster since 2005 (since 1.8.2023 retired) and since 1 April 2023 President-elect of the European University Viadrina for six years. After studying Eastern European, Modern and Jewish History, Slavic Studies and Philosophy in Paderborn, Jerusalem, Münster and London, and research stays in Kiyiv, Leningrad, Novgorod and Moscow, he received his doctorate in Münster in 1990. From 1990 to 1995, he worked as head of the executive division of the German Research Foundation and as head of the international affairs division and department at the secretariat of the German Rectors' Conference in Bonn. From 1995-2005 he was Director of the Leibniz Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe in Marburg, from 2008-2013 Director of the German Historical Institute in Warsaw. He completed his habilitation in 2004 at the Philipps University of Marburg. He has researched and taught as a visiting professor and senior visiting fellow at St Antony’s College in Oxford (2001-2002), Wolfson College in Cambridge (2007), the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton (2017) and at the external office of the DHI Warsaw in Prague (2021/22). In 2014, he was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Research Prize of the Foundation for Polish Science (Fundacja na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej), and in 2016 he was elected a Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Arts in Krakow (Polska Akademia Umiejętności), awarded the Lux et Laus Medal of the Polish Association of Medievalists in 2021 and an (unrealised) fellowship of the Slavic and Eurasian Research Centre of Hokkaido University in Sapporo in 2023.
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