Top Positions in the CHE Ranking

Top positions in the CHE Ranking

Excellent support and outstanding study organization - Viadrina once again occupies top positions in nationwide university ranking

In terms of student satisfaction, the European University Viadrina once again belongs to the top group in the nationwide university ranking of the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) and the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT from May 2023. Students certified the European University Viadrina once again excellent study conditions with excellent support and outstanding study organization.

Law studies distinguished as excellent

In the ranking for the subject Law, the students of the study program Law rated the general study situation at the European University Viadrina as excellent and certified their university top positions in 15 of a total of 16 surveyed criteria. Especially in the areas of support during studies, supervision by the lecturers and examination organization, the Viadrina occupies top positions. In the evaluation of the study organization, the European University Viadrina is the leader in the Berlin-Brandenburg region in the opinion of the students.

Top marks for international business administration programs

The Bachelor's programs International Business Administration (IBA) and International Business Administration (IBWL) are in the top group in all 14 criteria newly ranked by student feedback. Top marks were given, among other things, for the support provided at the start of studies, the business courses offered with flexible selection options, the practical orientation in teaching and offers of career guidance, the organization of studies and examinations, and the support provided for stays abroad. This makes the European University a leader in Berlin and Brandenburg in terms of general study situation in the field of economics.

The Master's program in International Business Administration (IBA) also once again scores above average in the current Master's ranking. The international orientation, the supervision of students as well as the support of stays abroad are rated particularly well.

Excerpt of the ranking results for IBA Master (PDF)

Cultural Studies

The CHE ranking only covers the larger and more traditional subjects, smaller subjects are not taken into account. For this reason, no comparative figures exist for the interdisciplinary programs of the Faculty of Cultural Studies.

The university ranking of the weekly newspaper "Die ZEIT" and the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) is Germany's largest and most important comparative ranking of state and private universities. The results in the areas of research, teaching and facilities are based on the opinions of students. In previous years, the European University Viadrina has already achieved top positions in the CHE ranking.
