Prof. Dr. Oksana Mikheieva

Europa-Universität Viadrina
Gastprofessorin Ukrainische Katholische Universität Lviv/ DAAD-Gastdozentur / LehrbeauftragteOksana Mikheieva ist Leiterin des Lehrstuhls für Soziologie an der Ukrainischen Katholischen Universität (Lviv), Doktor der Geschichtswissenschaft (2012) und Professorin für Soziologie (2014). Sie schloss ihr Studium an der Nationalen Universität Donezk ab. Titel der Kandidatendissertation “The crime and the struggle against it in Donbass (1921-1928)”, Titel der Doktorarbeit “Establishment and functioning of law enforcement agencies of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) (1921-1928)”.
In den Jahren 2000-2014 lehrte sie Soziologie (Stadtsoziologie, Familienstudien, Soziologie des abweichenden Verhaltens) an der Donezker Staatlichen Universität für Management.
Sie hat über 10 lokale und internationale soziologische Forschungsprojekte geleitet oder daran teilgenommen. Sie ist Mitglied der Internationalen Assoziation für Geisteswissenschaften, der Wissenschaftlichen Taras-Schewtschenko-Gesellschaft, der Ukrainischen Soziologischen Assoziation; Mitglied des Redaktionsausschusses der akademischen Fachzeitschriften "Ukraina Moderna", "East (Skhid)", Zeitschrift der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Ermland und Masuren in Olsztyn “The Studies of Warmia.”
Wintersemester 2024/2025
Qualitative Methods in Sociology: How to Organize and Conduct Your Own Research
Mi. 11:15 - 12:45
Preparation of your own research project (writing a master's thesis, article or PhD thesis) often involves author's research. This seminar will enable you to learn about different qualitative methods, about their advantages and disadvantages, and what kind of information you can gain from using them. We will talk about all stages of research - from writing the research design to analysing the results and presenting them. The main topics for discussion in the seminar will be the ethics of qualitative research and the documentary process of research. We will focus on research methods such as observation, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and visual methods and their capabilities. And we will also talk about the basic methods of analysing data collected through qualitative methods. The aim of this seminar is to provide a general introduction to the whole range of qualitative methods, which will help you to decide which methods are useful and relevant to your research project.
3 ECTS: Class and discussion participation – 30%, 1 short in-depth interview + transcript - 30%, 1 Presentation based on field-work - 40%;
6 ECTS: Class and discussion participation – 25%, 1 short in-depth interview + transcript - 25%, 1 Presentation based on field-work - 25%, 1 Theoretical presentation – 25%.
9 ECTS: Class and discussion participation – 25%, 1 short in-depth interview + transcript – 25%, 1 Presentation based on field-work or teorethical presentation - 25%, term paper (20 pages) - 25%.
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