Prof. László Andor, PhD

Laslo Andor
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät (Wiwi)
HonorarprofessorNach Vereinbarung. Anmeldung unter
László Andor
Exkursion Brüssel 13.11.2024 - 16.11.2024
The Political Machinery of Brussels
Seminar (Präsenzveranstaltung): MES: Zentralbereich Politik // MES: WPM 1: Regieren in Europa
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 13.11.2024 Mi, 9 - 18 Uhr
This seminar is organized as a field trip (“Exkursion”) to Brussels in which core institutions of the European Union will be visited and highlighted with regard to their functioning. In addition, discussions will be held with representatives of Brussels based knowledge producers, for example from think tanks or academic institutions.
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen: The program in Brussels is scheduled from November 13 (evening) until November 16 (afternoon). The field trip will be partially financed by the MA European Studies (MES), taking part in the whole program is a precondition for receiving a subsidy.
Hinweise zur Veranstaltung:
Registrations can be made from 16.9.24
Logenhaus (LH)Logenstraße 11
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
- LH 111