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Application for Studying Abroad

Here you can find all the information about  exchange studies abroad. Please read the instructions carefully and direct any questions to us.

Student stay in a foreign European country (Erasmus+) or outside of Europe (Non-EU) 2025/26

When choosing a partner university, please take into account the current regulations on infection protection. Some partner universities or countries only grant access to the campus or university or entry to students who have been fully vaccinated. Be sure to check the websites of the partner universities and the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs for more information.

Regular selection process

  • Online application portal (will be activated from 6th November 2024)
  • Application deadline:  4th December 2024 at 11:59 pm.

If you are registering yourself for the first time receiving the link activating your account may take a while, please check your spam folder. If you registered in our online application portal beforehand, please use your existing access data/login.

Left over spots

The left over spots procedure takes place within a second application round and at last with the "First come, first serve" procedure:

Second Application procedure

  • Publication of the list for left over spots: 19th Febuary 2024.
  • Left over spots will be allocated by e-mail on a "first come, first serve" basis starting: 28th Febuary 2024 at 10:30 am.
  • Detailed information will be avaiable here.

The application procedure for a study related stay abroad is conducted once a year in November/December. This is for the entire academic year: You apply at the beginning of December 2022 for a stay abroad in the winter semester 2023/2024 and/or summer semester 2024.

The procedure is as follows:
  1. The Viadrina enters into agreements with partner universities.
  2. You apply to the Viadrina for a stay abroad in one of these partner universities.
  3. After our selections and your confirmation we nominate you for your chosen university.
  4. Then you apply directly to your chosen partner university. An application to, or contact with, the partner university before your nomination is not possible.

Following the regular selection process an allocation of remaining spots will be held.

Please note the differences in the application details for the individual faculties:
The following documents should be submitted and will be a criterion in the selection:
  • Completed courses (grades and amount)
  • For undergraduate students of Business Administration and Economics Faculty - at least 24 completed ECTS at the time of application
  • Language proficiency
  • Cover letter
  • Participation in student initiatives (i.e. Interstudis) or other organisations
  • What makes you stand out.
September - November
(also before)
Beginning of November/Beginning of DecemberBeginning/
End of January/Beginning of February

Obtain information by:

Beginning of November:
Online applications for the Viadrina International Day go live.

Beginning of December:
Deadline for submitting your application documents.

If you have applied for a stay abroad outside of Europe (Non-EU), then in most cases you will be invited to a selection interview. Only in rare cases will you be invited to an interview if you’ve applied for a European stay abroad or a  double degree.

We will inform you of the result of the application procedure by email.
This is not a final confirmation of the stay abroad. The ultimate decision lies with the partner university, who will be informed of our selections. In most cases our nominated students are accepted.

Beginning/mid-  Februarymid-February/
End of March

The deadline for accepting or declining your offered place.

Release of the left over places.



At information events we will explain the further procedure. You will receive practical information on studying, recognition of courses and living abroad. This information event is very important and attendance is compulsory.

We nominate you to your chosen partner university. You will then receive information concerning the necessary application documents that must be submitted to the partner university by a specified deadline.