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General information

Flyer: Information on studying Abroad

Handout: FAQ Studying Abroad 2023/24

Presentations and videos of the International Day can be found in Moodle.

Proof of language proficiency

DAAD language certificate forms (please print the form out and take it to the appropriate language department):

Year 2024/25

Old paper-based Learning Agreements - please use only if the partner university does not use the OLA yet!

  • WiWi (old) Learning Agreement - Video Tutorial (in German) on filling the Learning Agreement in German
    also applies to: Recht und Wirtschaft / Wirtschaft und Recht (independent of study variant).
  • KuWi (old) Learning Agreement - Video Tutorial (in German) zum ausfüllen des Learning Agreement

Jura (old) Learning Agreement
also applies to: Recht und Politik

Year 2023/24

  • KuWi Guide Online Learning Agreement (OLA) (2023/24) - english version
  • Jura Guide Online Learning Agreement (OLA)  (2023/24) - english Version not ready yet!
    also applies to: Recht und Politik
  • Erasmus Grant Calculation Excel for  the Grant Agreement (2023/24) - english version

Old paper-based Learning Agreements - please use only if the partner university does not use the OLA yet!

  • WiWi (old) Learning Agreement - Video Tutorial (in German) on filling the Learning Agreement in German
    also applies to: Recht und Wirtschaft / Wirtschaft und Recht (independent of study variant).

Year 2022/23

Old paper-based Learning Agreements - please use only if the partner university does not use the OLA yet!

Year 2021/22

Summer term 2022

Old paper-based Learning Agreements - please use only if the partner university refuses the OLA

Winter term 2021/22

Old paper-based Learning Agreements - please use only if the partner university refuses the OLA!

Year 2020/21

  • German
  • English
    • Students studying at the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics are asked to use an English printout from the HIS-Portal in order to certify their course assessments. An English version of the HIS printout can be generated by switching the language settings of the HIS-Portal into English. If you need a verified version of your HIS printout please contact the Department of International Affairs (AM 207).
  • Spanish
  • Russian