The EU Educational Program & the ECTS System

The EU’s educational program of lifelong learning (LLP, 2007-13) is endowed with a total budget of 7 billion Euros. It encompasses the partial programs of Comenius (schooling), ERASMUS (higher education), LEONARDO (vocational training) and GRUNDTVIG (adult education). You can find more information on LLP at the European Commission website.
Key ERASMUS mobility measures (multilateral projects, academic networks, accompanying measures) are managed by the executive agency of the European Commission in Brussels. You can find more information here.
EU educational programs are financed through the support of the European Commission. Viadrina’s International Office has sole responsibility for the content on this website. The Commission is not liable for the use of the information contained on this website.
More information:
European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
This project was financed with the support of the European Commission. Liability for the content of the website of Viadrina’s International Office lies solely with the author; the Commission is not liable for any further use of the information contained therein.