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You will have the experience of living with other (international) students in a shared apartment in Frankfurt or Slubice. Please apply for a room as soon as you registered for the Summer Program. We do not expect that there will be a shortage of rooms. However, priority will be given on a first come, first serve basis.


Fully furnished dormitory rooms are available to Summer School students from the beginning of the program until July 31st. You can check them out here:

Total cost for the periods May 24th to July 4th 2015: approximately 300 Euro in Słubice and approximatley 400 Euro in Frankfurt Oder.

From any of the dormitories you are able to get to the university campus within 15 minutes by bus or by tram. You will have a room in a shared apartment in the dormitory with 1-4 other students, with a shared kitchen and bathroom. Basic amenities, such as grocery stores, etc. are also nearby.


Rent needs to be paid directly to the respective dormitory's administration. Once you have applied for a room you will receive more information about how to proceed.