Learning Agreement

For your stay as an exchange student to the European University Viadrina you should report your selection of courses per semester in a Learning Agreement. Within the program Erasmus+ the Learning Agreement is a mandatory document. For exchange students outside Erasmus this document is just optional, but we recommend all exchange students to use a Learning Agreement.
Paper-based/PDF Learning Agreement:
In the framework of the Erasmus+ program the European Commission developed a platform that allows students and universities to handle Learning Agreements online. So far this platform is designed for the exchanges between Erasmus universities only.
For students outside the Erasmus program, we recommend to use the paper based version of the Learning Agreement instead. You can fill in the document in paper or digitally, in PDF. Please remember to correctly state all the information, depending on the faculty at which you will study:
- Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Contact/Responsible person, email, position:
Torsten Glase, learning-agreements@europa-uni.de, Departmental Coordinator - Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences
Contact/Responsible person, email, position:
Nicole Klück, learning-agreements@europa-uni.de, Departmental Coordinator - Faculty of Law
Contact/Responsible person, email, position:
Carmen Thiele, learning-agreements@europa-uni.de, Departmental Coordinator
This information must be stated in the table on the first page of your Learning Agreement as well as in the signature section!
Once you have correctly filled in your learning agreement, signed it yourself and obtained the signature from your home university coordinator, please send the document to: learning-agreements@europa-uni.de.
Online Learning Agreement (OLA):
Via the platform you can fill your Learning Agreement and implement necessary changes to it online. You may as well download the Erasmus+ app and do the registration and the work on your Learning Agreement via the app. Once you are registered, you will have the same login details (user name and password) in both the app and the portal.
Here is the portal learning-agreement.eu
Here is the Erasmus+ app
Online Learning Agreement process:
- Register yourself either in the app or at learning-agreement.eu.
- Fill in and sign your OLA online.* How to fill the OLA
- Your signed OLA will be sent to the responsible coordinator at your home university. The coordinator can decline it – if certain changes are needed – or directly confirm and sign it.
- Finally your OLA will be sent to the Departmental Coordinator at your host university. The coordinator can as well either decline it for changes or directly confirm the course selection.
- If necessary, you can at nearly every stage download and print your Learning Agreement from the system. Usually you will just print the document when it is completely filled and signed in order to complete your Erasmus files.
* Please note the following faculty-related information:
- remarks from the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences regarding academic aspects of your selection of courses and the work on your Learning Agreement
- information on allocation of ECTS points at the Faculty of Law
Before the Mobility
The part “Before the mobility” needs to be filled and signed before you start your stay abroad as an exchange student. Usually at this time of the academic year our faculties did not yet publish the updated course catalogues for the coming semester. That’s why you can create this part of the OLA only based of the archived course catalogues from previous semesters.
Please note that this way our confirmation of this part of your Learning Agreement is automatically a provisional confirmation, since your final selection of courses needs to be adopted to our real course offer after your arrival here.
During the Mobility
The part “During the mobility” of your Learning Agreement should be filled and signed within 4 weeks from the start of the semester. Here you adopt your selection of courses to the updated course catalogues and your individual study plan. Then this part will as well get confirmed from your home university and later from your responsible Departmental Coordinator at the Viadrina.