Health insurance

To enroll at a German university, you need to have valid health insurance policy complying with the German law (Compulsory insurance).
You have to submit the insurance certificate together with the documents for the enrollment (= matriculation) to the university.
- Applicants from countries with agreements on social and health insurance do not need a German health insurance policy. This usually applies to all applicants from within the European Union who have a statutory health insurance in one of the countries supporting the European Health Insiurance Card (EHIC). Please inform yourself in advance if this applies to you.
- In this case, your EHIC is valid and sufficient. You have to order the EHIC from your insurance company in your home country well in advance. In Germany, you need to present the EHIC to a German health insurance company who will provide you with the necessary insurance certificate for the university.
- Here you will find the link to the AOK portal for online applications.
- Here you will find the link to the TK portal for online applications.
Please send an email with the following information to either or Rebecca.Heinze@NORDOST.AOK.DE to receive the insurance certificate for university:
- Your first name, surname and your gender
- Your german adress (including c/o, appartment number etc.)
- Full name of our university (European-University Viadrina)
- A scan of your EHIC (a blue EU health card, mostly for EU students).
- For you, a German health insurance policy is in most cases obligatory. After your arrival to Frankfurt (Oder), you have to get such a policy from a statutory German health insurance company. As soon as you are insured, this company will provide you with the necessary insurance certificate for the university.
- Please, do not buy a health insurance in your home country as those usually do not comply with the legal requirements and, therefore, are not accepted! If you need any kind of insurance document within the application process for a visa, please contact us.
- There are multiple statutory health insurance companies in Germany and you can select any of them, however, we generally recommend either AOK Nordost or Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) as we and our students have gad a great experience cooperating with them. For more information, please view the linked websites.
- If you are coming from Turkey and have the A/T 11 document, you do not need to obtain a German health insurance as the A/T 11 is fully sufficient. For the matriculation, you will simply need to show the document to a German health insurance company who will provide you with the necessary insurance certificate for the university.
- Here you will find the link to the AOK portal for online applications.
- Here you will find the link to the TK portal for online applications.
Please send an email with the following informations to either or Rebecca.Heinze@NORDOST.AOK.DE to receive the insurance certificate for university:
- Your first name, surname and your gender
- Your german adress (including c/o, appartment number etc.)
- Full name of our university (European-University Viadrina)
- A scan of your A/T 11 (health document, mostly for Turkish students).
- For applicants (and students) who are aged 30 and above or who have been studying for more than 14 semesters, the duty to have a compulsory insurance ends. You have to conclude a statutory or privat voluntary insurance instead.
- In exceptional cases the duty for a compulsory insurance can be prolonged. Please inform yourself in time!
Here you can find further information on the health insurance system. There can be found useful information for international students and guest lecturers. The content is available in ten languages. - Krankenkassenzentrale (German only)
There are several insurance companies which you can contact directly. If you are searching for a certain insurance company you will find respective information. - DAAD-Insurance Office
For more information you can contact the DAAD-Insurance Office.
Privat liability insurance
- This insurance is not a compulsory insurance, but one of the most important voluntary insurances. In the internet you can find numerous offers of insurance companies.
- The private liability insurance pays for harm that accidently has been caused to the property or health of others (e.g. a traffic accident as cycler). The costs for such can reach millions and endanger ones financial situation.
Accident insurance
- If you are around at the university for study purposes you will be covered by an accident insurance of the Viadrina (in German only).
- In your spare time the accident insurance of the Studentenwerk will apply.