Fellows 2017
Name: Stéphane Maffli Home institution: Université de Lausanne, Switzerland Guest institutions: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: January 7, 2017 - February 5, 2017 Research focus: Migration literature from German-speaking Switzerland since 1980 "I applied for an acquaintance stay at the European University Viadrina, because of the 2012 founded Axel Springer Endowed Chair for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History, Exile and Migration. The aim of my stay is to find out more about the approach of the research colloquium »Diaspora, Exile, Migration, Methodological and Theoretical New Approaches« and to get to know the employees and the participants, in order to be able to predict whether a following one-year stay would be worthwhile." |
Name: Shimels Sisay Belete Home institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Guest institution: University of Vienna, Austria Period of stay: March 1, 2017 - May 30, 2017 Research focus: Questioning State’s Counter-terrorism Measures vis-àvis the Pursuit of the Right to Liberty and Security of Person: Spotlighting the Ethiopian Legal and Institutional Framework as a Case Study "As a young academician aspiring for deeper knowledge and experience in the field my specialization, I believe that this short term research stay would offer me enhanced research and learning opportunities and new perspectives in dealing with the variety of issues related to my research. This program would also foster my personal network and professional growth as it brings me an appealing chance to get to know more colleagues specialized in the same field and broaden my research and publication, teaching and other work prospects for my present and imminent future. I would consider it as a further adventure in acquainting myself with a deeper knowledge and understanding of the diverse academic and research culture." |
Name: Anna Steinkamp Home institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Guest institution: Sophia University Tokyo, Japan Period of stay: April 1, 2017 - May 31, 2017 Research focus: Internationalization of enterprises in border areas: A qualitative resource analysis in the federal state of Brandenburg and in the Lubuskie Province "The Sophia University is an excellent place to present my research results on site in terms of my own presentations and a publication. I expect to receive constructive feedback to my activities, which can be shaped from the different point of views and give me new ideas for further scientific research." |
Name: Lela Iosava Home institution: Ilia State University, Georgia Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: May 1, 2017 - July 31, 2017 Research focus: The Role of Organizational Culture in Fostering Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions "The Viadrina is an impressive example of a higher education institution symbolizing the return of Germany and Poland to Europe’s intellectual and cultural values. It is admirable how in a short period of time and during the era of great changes following the fall of the Berlin Wall, the university leadership has managed to transform a traditional university into a place where new generations of transeuropean society is nurtured. This particularly sparks a curiosity of someone like me exploring internal dynamics of educational institutions and the position of Georgia‘s higher education institutions in a global European landscape." |
Name: Olena Zinenko Home institution: V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: May 25, 2017 - August 25, 2017 Research focus: Media potential of public events as an object of journalistic reflection "During three month of research stay in European University Viadrina I plan to have more deep practice in qualitative methods studies on social transformation, and I’m going to observe public events as acts of communication and an invitation to dialogue awaiting feedback such as reciprocity, aversion or ignoring in the field of gender issues. I believe that chance that I’ll have with participating in VIP – for Graduates open the new prospects in communication between our universities." |
Name: Iuliia Lokshyna Home institution: Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ukraine Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: June 1, 2017 - June 30, 2017 Research focus: Trade Defense Instruments Regulation in the European Union "The Viadrina University is a truly international academic institution paying a lot of attention to the area of my research, in particular international economic relations, international trade law and European law. I would like not just to write a profound PhD thesis, but to get new experience, literature and expand my research horizons." |
Name: Aldijana Bunjak Home institution: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: June 1, 2017 - August 31, 2017 Research focus: The interplay between optimism and mindfulness in the workplace "What I am truly looking forward to is a new challenge and opening myself to even more opportunities that I have not yet imagined. I chose Viadrina because it is absolutely international oriented. Being a Viadrina’s fellow also affords me the opportunity to network with current Viadrina’s fellows, and I hope it will facilitate my participation in the academic economics community more broadly." |
Name: Adriana Fernandes Barbosa Home institution: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte, Brazil Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: June 12, 2017 - July 12, 2017 Research focus: Cognition in InterAction: an interactional Analysis of Multimodal Metaphors in DaF-Classrooms "As a Brazilian PhD student, I aim to do a double doctoral degree (Cotutelle). Therefore I see the acquaintance stay as a first step for a future research stay at the European University Viadrina for a longer period. Additionally the acquaintance stay will contribute to a stronger cooperation between Prof. Dr. Cornelia Müller and my research team “(Inter-)Cultural Communication in Interaction” at my home university." |
Name: Ivan Almes Home institution: Ukrainian Catholic University Lviv, Ukraine Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: June 12, 2017 - July 12, 2017 Research focus: Book in the social and cultural life of the monasteries of the Lviv eparchy in the 17 and 18 centuries "European Viadrina University as Ukrainian Catholic University is a new, modern and ambitious University, and simultaneously institution of the two cultures – German and Polish. My PhD-thesis is closely connected with Polish early modern culture, and in general with cultural studies, which are comprehensive represented in the Viadrina University. It will be a great opportunity to find out about contemporary approaches in this field of history studying." |
Name: Thiago Nascimento Home institution: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte, Brazil Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: June 12, 2017 - July 12, 2017 Research focus: Metacommunicative Acts: a Mental Space-led Enquiry on Cognitive Aspects of Metapragmatic phenomena in Talk-in-interaction "This is an excellent opportunity to broaden my network, as well as improve my research skills with other researchers. I aim to enhance my skills in co-speech gesture analysis. So, during my acquaintance stay I’ll be able to get to know the software, techniques and procedures Prof. Muller’s group adopt to conduct their researches. Besides, this stay is an appropriate chance to establish a partnership between our research groups." |
Name: Laura Hirrel Home institution: University of New Mexico, USA Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: June 13, 2017 - August 30, 2017 Research focus: A Construction-Based Approach to Cyclic Gesture Functions "I applied for a three month research stay in order to receive feedback and gain valuable new perspectives on my project from researchers outside of my home institution. I was specifically interested in coming to European University Viadrina because there are researchers here who work on similar topics to my own interests. Additionally, the scholars at the Viadrina Gesture Center have developed a number of methodologies for the study of gesture that I wanted to learn more about in order to expand skills within my field of study." |
Name: Anibal Chaim Home institution: University of São Paulo, Brazil Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: June 14, 2017 - August 28, 2017 Research focus: Football, media, politics and its social implications "The European University Viadrina provides me the structure and support for developing my studies and building a broader network. I am interested in understanding the European and German debate on my topics of interest. Aside it, this is going to be a great opportunity for getting in touch with other researchers from all over the world and improve my professional network." |
Name: Louis Wierenga Home institution: University of Tartu, Estonia Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: June 15, 2017 - July 15, 2017 Research focus: The Right Approach to Gender: Gender, post-materialist values and the populist radical right in Europe "I applied for a research stay at the European University Viadrina in order to work with Prof. Michael Minkenberg. As I study populist radical right parties in Central and Eastern Europe, the university is strategically located. Prof. Minkenberg is a leading expert on the populist radical right in Central and Eastern Europe and pursuing a research stay at Viadrina gives me an invaluable opportunity to further my academic career. The main goals of my academic stay are to further my knowledge of the populist radical right in Central and Eastern Europe as well as the methodological undertakings of my dissertation." |
Name: Bianca Batista Home institution: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: June 20, 2017 - August 20, 2017 Research focus: The discursive construction of Brazil in Pero Gândavo's chronicle, História da Província de Santa Cruz and in Richard Hakluyt's travel book, The Principal Navigations "I chose European University Viadrina to be part of my doctoral study once the contact with excellent professors from the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences can help me rethink and improve the fundamental topics of my research." |
Name: Marcelo Durao Rodrigues da Cunha Home institution: Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: July 1, 2017 - July 31, 2017 Research focus: History in a time of crisis: Friedrich Meinecke (1862-1954) and the problems of German historicism "I applied for an acquaintance stay in Viadrina mainly because, besides being a renown academic center, Viadrina's Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences will certainly offer me the best possible research structure which is necessary for improving my present and future academic goals in the fields of theory, historiography and philosophy of history." |
Name: Oleh Lehkyy Home institution: Ternopil National Economic University, Ukraine Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: July 1, 2017 - August 1, 2017 Research focus: Digital communicational instruments of brewery industry’s marketing "I truly understand the importance of international science networking and mobility of researches. The European University Viadrina research environment and practices are very interesting to observe. Facilities, working process, current tasks, prospect of growth and even promotion – are those elements that might be kindly “benchmarked” to try to implement the best practice at the my home University." |
Name: Ana Tokhadze Home institution: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: July 14, 2017 - September 14, 2017 Research focus: Shareholder’s Property Rights and Capital of the Corporation "Since the scopes of my thesis require a deep doctrinal inquiry and analytical thinking, research fellowship will equip me with the right academic tools and assistance in pursuit of my study. As I am eager to recruit myself into scientific projects and boost my scholar network, research fellowship will indispensably ensure my continued connection with an international scientific circle, professional relationship with international scholars, which, afterward, will strongly support in my career objectives along with the further academic goals." |
Name: Max Steuer Home institution: Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: July 21, 2017 - August 21, 2017 Research focus: The Guardians of Democracy? Decision Making of Constitutional Courts in Central Europe "While my dissertation in Political Science focuses on the analysis of decision making of Central European constitutional courts, it is grounded in the broader experiences of established democratic political systems which opted for a centralized model of judicial review. With its German location but strong international focus, I believe the Viadrina combines the unique German experience and the regional and global expertise that is necessary for any such endeavor. The interaction with other researchers at the Viadrina and establishment of cross-disciplinary networks at the Faculty of Law has a significant potential for advancing my theoretical and methodological toolkit for researching constitutional courts in Central Europe." |
Name: Robert Brockhaus Home institution: European University Viadrina, Germany Guest institution: Middlesex University London, Great Britain Period of stay: July 28, 2017 – October 2, 2017 Research focus: The Criminal Liability of Whistleblowing "I applied for the VIP research fellowship to work on the comparative chapter of my dissertation, to connect with other researchers in the field of whistleblowing and also to improve my English skills." |
Name: Jonathan Rafael Balling Home institution: European University Viadrina, Germany Guest institution: University of California Berkeley, USA Period of stay: August 1, 2017 – October 31, 2017 Research focus: Kauboy, Gautsho, Muszhik – Rural Male Masculinities in Yiddish fictional texts 1883-1942 "(International) Networking is extremely relevant when it comes to working on a dissertation that focuses on Yiddish studies. At the UC Berkeley, research in the interplay between gender studies and Yiddish / Jewish studies is unique. My goal is to intensively reflect my dissertation through individual talks and the participation in colloquia and to integrate it in my research project." |
Name: Szilvester Csernus-Lukasc Home institution: University of Szeged, Hungary Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: August 1, 2017 - October 31, 2017 Research focus: The national policy and language usage in Bács-Bodrog Comitat before and after the 1868: XLIV. "I applied for a research stay at the Viadrina to broaden my sources for my dissertation with relevant literature. My main goals are to gain more knowledge about the nationalism and national minority policies of Central Europe, to write a chapter of my dissertation and to develop my German language proficiency." |
Name: Mona Florian Home institution: European University Viadrina, Germany Guest institution: Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Period of stay: September 16, 2017 – October 13, 2017 Research focus: Voluntary work in refugee aid context: self-organization and sensefulness of volunteers in a Berlin refugees emergency helter "The aims of the research stay is to promote the conception of an article in an inspiring environment and at the same time to develop and to deepen international cooperation with researchers at the Copenhagen Business School." |
Name: Lena Hotze Home institution: European University Viadrina, Germany Guest institution: Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, France Period of stay: August 21, 2017 – October 2, 2017 Research focus: Multimodal language acquisition in preschool age "The 6-week research stay at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 on one hand is an exceptional enrichment for the work at my dissertation and contributes on the other hand to the international networking in the field of multimodal language acquisition research. I´m looking forward to develop and deepen existing research and teaching cooperation between both universities." |
Name: Victor Trofimov Home institution: European University Viadrina, Germany Guest institution: University of South Florida, USA Period of stay: October 1, 2017 – October 31, 2017 Research focus: Romanian and Bulgarian “hustler” in Berlin: The construction of a new migration phenomenon? "I applied for a research stay, because I believe to achieve new substantially impulse for my dissertation and my further research network through exchange with distinguished experts in my research field. The supervision by Prof. Castaneda can provide new ideas and generate new impetus for my dissertation. Additionally networking with distinguished experts in my field is of great importance for my research career, which I aim to achieve." |
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