Fellows 2023
Name: Ana Abril Home institution: Central European University (CEU), Vienna, Austria Guest institution: European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) Period of stay: 01.10. – 31.10.2023 Research focus: The ontological turns, deconstruction, metaphors, the human/animal dualism "I applied to the Chair for Western European Literature at the European University Viadrina to engage with the work of Prof. Dr. Andrea Allerkamp. Throughout my research, I have had contact with the field of Western literature through my individual research and conversations with my supervisor at my home university, but I did not have the opportunity to be in an institutional environment of literary studies. The visit to Viadrina allowed me to discuss the methodological part of my dissertation, which focuses on metaphors and tropes, and to broaden my network in an area that interests me but in which I had no formal education." |
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Name: Iris Simón-Astudillo
Home institution: Universidad de Valladolid, Spanien Guest institution: European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) Period of stay: 06.04. – 06.07.2023 Research focus: Parliament, Gender, Political Communication, Social Movements "We often focus so much on our own research that we fail to notice what is being done in other countries. My research stay opened new perspectives since there is little written about my topic in Spain. Exchanging ideas with other researchers provided valuable insights for my dissertation. I applied to the VIP program at Viadrina to gain international experience and access to expertise that is hard to find in my country. My goal was to deepen the literature review and methodology for my work and enrich my study through interaction with researchers." |
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Name: Yi Liu
Home institution: Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China Guest institution: European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) Period of stay: 01.10. – 31.12.2023 Research focus: Contemporary literary studies "As a doctoral candidate, I sought access to extensive secondary literature and the opportunity to visit relevant sites in Poland as well as archives in Berlin, Bremen, and the Günter Grass House in Lübeck, which were not available to me in China. At the chair of Prof. Dr. Schoor, I found a scholarly discussion group and was able to attend thematic research seminars. Additionally, Frankfurt and Berlin libraries were nearby and I was provided with a space in the premises of the chair. Most importantly, I collected and read materials that were indispensable for my research project and visited various places in Poland as well as relevant archives in Berlin, Bremen and the Günter Grass House in Lübeck." |
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Name: Pavlo Burdiak
Home institution: University of Szeged, Hungary Guest institution: European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) Period of stay: 08.05. – 22.07.2023 Research focus: International Internet Law, International Human Rights Law, Social Media Governance "I opted for an academic adventure at Viadrina to gather valuable research experiences in an international context, further refine the research ideas for my PhD dissertation, and establish extensive scientific networks for sustainable collaboration within international research contexts and discourses. The European University Viadrina, with its excellent research profile in the area of internet law and human rights, perfectly matches my scholarly interests. Moreover, there are numerous opportunities for professional and social networking at research seminars, colloquia, and informal gatherings. During my stay at Viadrina, I investigated the regulation of social media in Germany, which significantly contributed to my PhD dissertation on social media governance and human rights. I internationalized my research profile and forged meaningful connections with the network of researchers, PhD students, postdocs, and professors at the European New School of Digital Studies and the Collegium Polonicum." |
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Name: Saimaiti Maimaitiming Home institution: European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) Guest institution: Harvard University, USA Period of stay: 01.04. – 30.06.2023 Research focus: Intellectual history, Internationalization of Higher Education, Global history "The history department at Harvard University is the hub of prominent global historians. Prof. Dr. Charles Maier (my host professor) is one of them. He is one of the founders of the Weatherhead Initiative on Global History (WIGH)—a pioneering research center in global history. Alongside him, there are experts in intellectual history, Chinese history, and Turkish history. Their expertise and publications are essential for my research. |