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Mentoring at the Viadrina


Foto: Eine Mentee zielt mit Pfeil und Bogen auf ein Ziel außerhalb des Bildausschnitts. Ihr Blick wirkt höchst konzentriert. In Hintergrund stehen andere Mentees die sie beobachten. ©Viadrina Mentoring
Foto: Eine Frau steht vor einer mit verschiedenfarbigen Karteikarten beklebten Pinnwand eun erklärt etwas in Richtung einer Gruppe. ©Heide Fest

With this program, the Viadrina is reacting to the low number of women, trans* inter* and non-binary people in leadership positions. Still, several disadvantageous structures are hindering the equal participation of women, trans* inter* and non-binary people in the professional environment.

Viadrina Mentoring is an effective instrument of individual support, which is opening the possibility to future female, trans* inter* and (other) non-binary graduates to be supported and strengthened in their self-dependent academic career paths at an early stage. The integrated qualification program enables the participants to develop inter-disciplinary key competencies preparing for professions and to build networks that are relevant for their personal career development.

By supporting an individual career, Viadrina Mentoring is aiming at the equality of opportunities for all genders in the professional field.

We are looking forward to experienced professionals, who would like to support us as mentors in implementing this objective.