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Gender Equality

Women still do not have the same opportunities as men in a university context, especially accessing leading positions.

In academia, they are less likely to be appointed to professorships, do more committee work, interrupt their careers more often for family duties, and their contributions often receive less attention. Processes and decisions have different effects on women and men - these must be recognized, named and the disadvantages to the detriment of women must be compensated to establish equal opportunities.

Equality includes all genders at the Viadrina. Structural discrimination based on gender also affects trans*, inter* and (other) non-binary persons. Measures such as opening women's advancement programs to gender-diverse people, using gender-inclusive language, and providing unisex restrooms promote sensitivity to and recognition of gender diversity as well as the dismantling of discriminatory structures.

The active work for gender equality takes place through various activities, such as support programs for women and gender diverse people, especially the Viadrina Mentoring or the monitoring of selection procedures by the Equal Opportunities Officer, the main contact person for gender equality. Together with the faculties and the administration, she is committed to observe gender equality in studies, in teaching, in administrative processes and in everyday interaction, and to acting in a way that is fair to all.

The goals and activities of our university gender equality work for students and employees are summarized in the Gender Equality and Family Concept.

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