From 2018-2020, the Viadrina underwent the diversity audit "Vielfalt gestalten" ("Shaping Diversity") of the Stifterverband and was certified in 2021.
In its internal auditing process, Viadrina first identified two main long-term goals :
- Based on the examination of structures and processes, discrimination risks are identified and measures to reduce them are developed in order to ensure equal opportunities for access and success regardless of existing or ascribed diversity characteristics.
- A diversity-sensitive and family-oriented learning, teaching, research and working culture is established within the framework of organisational development.
Within the process, the focus was thus directed at both students and staff.
Together with the auditor (Dr. Lisberg-Haag, Bonn) and the steering group, in which the university management, the administration, the faculties and students, among others, were represented, topic areas were defined in joint workshops and working groups were formed:
- Anti-discrimination, in particular the establishment of a procedure for dealing with incidents and the consideration of the concerns of trans* and inter* persons,
- diversity-sensitive working conditions for all employees and a diversity-oriented personnel development concept for non-academic staff,
- diversity-oriented student recruitment and retention, diversity in teaching and raising awareness of diversity on campus.
Various subgroups worked on this, which were also open to interested parties in the course of the process. Measures were discussed in the groups and their implementation started.
In addition to the five workshops of the steering group, the members of the thematic subgroups met at regular follow-up meetings to present their progress, reflect together, further develop measures and complement each other.
>> Participants in the diversity process

The following milestones were set and partially achieved or initiated:
Overall, the Diversity Audit has led to staff and students dealing more with diversity. With the experience gained from the audit, the actors now want to set new priorities and motivate other interested parties to get involved. |
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In the coming years, a concept is to be developed that bundles and further develops the structures and measures on the topics of diversity, equality and family friendliness. A diversity team will coordinate the internal process and accompany the implementation of an action plan. The following topics are targeted as focal points:
- Anti-discrimination
- Inclusion
- Diversity in teaching
The contact persons for the diversity process are: