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Anti-discrimination at the EUV 

Active against discrimination

"Viadrina wants to protect its members and affiliates from discrimination and harassment. It disapproves of such behaviour and opposes a culture of looking the other way. Viadrina is committed to creating study and working conditions that are characterised by tolerance and mutual respect."

This is what the statutes say. But what does this mean in concrete terms? 

At the beginning, it was a matter of getting figures (statistics, surveys) and collecting field reports to see which groups are particularly at risk or in which contexts discriminatory behaviour occurs more frequently.  Anti-discrimination measures are now planned and implemented on this basis. 

The first steps were the establishment of a complaints procedure and the contact point for protection against discrimination. In addition, the first survey on experienced and observed discrimination at Viadrina was conducted, the results of which will be published soon. They will give further indications as to which triggers for discrimination are in the foreground and in which situations this happens.

An anti-discrimination action plan is currently being developed. Workshops will be offered at Viadrina for students and teachers to raise awareness of and deal with discrimination.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Katja Kraft, Peter Liebscher or Norbert Morach. 


You can learn more about anti-discrimination at Viadrina here.