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Abteilung für Hochschulkommunikation

Medieninformation Nr. 126-2020

vom 22. September 2020

Top marks for Viadrina studies in Corona times – CHE survey in the master program International Business Administration

Students of the International Business Administration (IBA) Master's program have given their studies at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) an above-average positive assessment during the Corona Pandemic. This is the result of a previously published survey in the CHE Master Ranking. More than 95 percent of the surveyed students rated Viadrina's handling of the corona pandemic as very good or good overall. On average, 83 percent of the students in the Master's programs surveyed in Germany gave such a positive rating.

In all categories surveyed, Viadrina's rating is above the national average, both in the area of study organization and the general conditions for digital teaching. For example, 93 percent of those surveyed rated the possibility of taking exams as very good or good (national average 78 percent). The variety of digital teaching formats received a positive rating from just under 91 percent (federal average 81 percent). The university's information management on the current situation, the opportunity to exchange information with lecturers, the accessibility of central contact persons and feedback from lecturers were also rated as good or very good by more than 85 percent of those surveyed.

"We in the faculty are very pleased that our enormous effort to convert teaching and examinations to digital formats at short notice is being honored by our students," says Prof. Ingo Geishecker, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economic Sciences, happily about the results.

The survey on experiences during the summer semester under corona conditions was published in advance as part of the CHE master ranking. The summarized results can be viewed at:

The nationwide university ranking is regularly carried out by the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) in cooperation with the weekly newspaper Die Zeit with different focal points and is the largest and most important university comparison in the German-speaking world. The complete results of the CHE Master Ranking will be published on December 1 in the magazine ZEIT Campus.

Weitere Informationen:
Europa-Universität Viadrina
Abteilung Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Tel.: +49 (0)335 - 5534 4515