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Neubewertung der Wirksamkeit internationaler
Klimaschutzabkommen nach COP15



photo_Becker ©recap15 / privat Daniel Becker

Juniorprofessor für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, Europa Universität Viadrina

Work Package 4: Limiting Crowding Out and the Compatibility of Carbon Leakage Policies with WTO Rules

photo_Bolle ©recap15 / privat Friedel Bolle

Professor für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Wirtschaftstheorie (Mikroökonomie), Europa Universität Viadrina

Work Package 6: Experimental Research on International Climate Agreements

photo_buchholz ©recap15 / privat Wolfgang Buchholz

Professor für Volkswirtschaftslehre (Finanzwissenschaft), Universität Regensburg

Work Package 1: Burden Sharing Rules for International Climate Agreements
Work Package 2: Design of Financial Transfers within International Climate Agreements
Work Package 4: Limiting Crowding Out and the Compatibility of Carbon Leakage Policies with WTO Rules

photo_HvH ©recap15 / privat Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg

Professor für Öffentliches Recht, insbesondere Völkerrecht, Europarecht und ausländisches Verfassungsrecht, Europa-Universität Viadrina

Work Package 4: Limiting Crowding Out and the Compatibility of Carbon Leakage Policies with WTO Rules

photo_peters ©recap15 / privat Wolfgang Peters

Professor für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Finanzwissenschaft, Umweltökonomie, Europa Universität Viadrina

Work Package 1: Burden Sharing Rules for International Climate Agreements 
Work Package 3: Co-ordinating Global and National Strategies of Adaptation and Mitigation
Work Package 2: Design of Financial Transfers within International Climate Agreements
Work Package 4: Limiting Crowding Out and the Compatibility of Carbon Leakage Policies with WTO Rules

photo_schmid ©recap15 / privat Wolfgang Schmid

Professor für Quantitative Methoden, insbesondere Statistik, Europa Universität Viadrina

Work Package 5: Strategies of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification in Fragmented International Policy Regimes

photo_schwarze2 ©recap15 / privat Reimund Schwarze

Professor für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Internationale Umweltökonomie, Europa Universität Viadrina & Helmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung UFZ

Work Package 3: Co-ordinating Global and National Strategies of Adaptation and Mitigation
Work Package 5: Strategies of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification in Fragmented International Policy Regimes


Ehemalige Mitarbeiter*innen:

Stadejek_Foto100 ©recap15 / privat Magdalena Brzeskot

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin bei RECAP15

10/2016 - Promotion "Ökonomische Aspekte zum Klimaschutz"

Work Package 2: Design of Financial Transfers within International Climate Agreements

Spieler_ 100 ©recap15 / privat Jörg Spiller

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Doktorand bei RECAP15

06/2016 - Promotion "The Climate Change Problem in Public Good Experiments"

Work Package 6: Experimental Research on International Climate Agreements

heuson250px ©privat Clemens Heuson

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei RECAP15

Work Package 7: Enhancing Science-Policy Interactions and generating Policy relevant Knowledge

Topp_100x100 ©recap15 / privat Anna-Katharina Topp

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin bei RECAP15

10/2015 - Promotion "Essays on the strategic role of adaptation and mitigation in climate policy"

Work Package 3: Co-ordinating Global and National Strategies of Adaptation and Mitigation

Ohl_100px ©recap15 / privat Cornelia Ohl

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin bei RECAP15

Work Package 7: Enhancing Science-Policy Interactions and generating Policy relevant Knowledge

Ufert-A-100px ©privat Aneta Ufert

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin bei RECAP15

10/2016 - Promotion "Reciprocity in Climate Change Policy – How to Solve the Social Dilemma of Climate Protection"

Work Package 1: Burden Sharing Rules for International Climate Agreements

Vetter_100pxl ©recap15 / privat Patrick Vetter

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Doktorand bei RECAP15

04/2017 - Promotion "Spatio-Temporal Statistical Assessment of CO2 Sources and Sinks"

Work Package 5: Strategies of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification in Fragmented International Policy Regimes

100x100.jpg ©Recap15 - Ulrike Will Ulrike Will

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin bei RECAP15

01/2018 - Promotion "Climate Border Adjustments and WTO Law. Extending the EU Emissions Trading System to Imported Goods and Services"

Work Package 4: Limiting Crowding Out and the Compatibility of Carbon Leakage Policies with WTO Rules

Özgür100 ©Özgür Yildiz Özgür Yildiz

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei RECAP15

Work Package 5: Strategies of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification in Fragmented International Policy Regimes
