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The Center for Teaching and Learning and its team is actively involved in various networks.
In collaboration with our regional and international partners

  • we develop innovative teaching and learning methods,
  • we exchange about research and good practice in higher education, 
  • we constantly apply this knowledge in our teaching and learning support at the European University Viadrina. 



Netzwerk Studienqualität Brandenburg

Logo Netzwerk Studienqualität Brandenburg

The Brandenburg Study Quality Network (sqb) is composed of all Universities in Brandenburg and offers a wide range of trainings and exchange for higher education teachers, lecturers and professors. Its aim is to secure the quality and further development of teaching at Brandenburg's universities. All teaching members of the Viadrina have the opportunity to participate in trainings and can also take part in the completion of a certificate in teaching in higher education.


Arbeitsgemeinschaft Nachhaltigkeit an Brandenburger Hochschulen

Go to "AG Nachhaltigkeit an Brandenburger Hochschulen"


As a member of the Working Group on Sustainability at Universities in Brandenburg, we are involved in promoting education for sustainable development at the Viadrina.


Gesellschaft für Schreibdidaktik und Schreibforschung



The Society for Writing Didactics and Writing Research unites under its umbrella writing didacticians and writing researchers from diverse fields and backgrounds.


Netzwerk Tutorienarbeit


Logo Netzwerk Tutorienarbeit

Involving students as peer tutors in higher education is a core element of our work. In the Netzwerk Tutorienarbeit we exchange ideas and good practice with colleagues from the region Berlin-Brandenburg, as well as colleagues from all over Germany who are training and supervising peer tutors.


Netzwerk Gender und Diversity


Gender Diversity Lehre

The Network Gender and Diversity Teaching is an autonomous Network of people who work strategically and/or operatively in the field of gender and diversity in higher education teaching, and who want to network and to collaborate continuously.


Virtuelles Kompetenzzentrum - Schreiben lehren und lernen mit KI

 Logo VK:KIWA - open website

KI:KIWA, the virtual competence center - teaching and learning with AI aims to address the dynamics of AI-based developments in the field of "Natural Language Processing" to ensure the sustainability and quality in education and science through research & trasfer of knowledge, consultation & services, training, transformation, networking & community-management.


Institut für Schreibwissenschaft (ISW)

 Logo ISW - open website

The Institute for Writing Science is dedicated to interdisciplinary research. It fosters writing research and the development of writing in professional, college, and school contexts, as well as creative and literary writing.


InclusU - The European University for Inclusiveness


Logo InclusU

In collaboration with the Viadrina International Affairs department and together our partners at the universities in Malmö, Lille and Vilnius, we are working on the development and implementation of the challenge-based learning approach within the network and at our local insitutions.


European Writing Centers Association


Logo European Writing Centers Association

The European Writing Centers Association provides a framework for universities in Europe. By being actively involved in this network we strongly support its mission: exchanging ideas and establishing an infrastructure for Writing Center goals, practice and scholarly research.


European Reform University Alliance

 Logo ERUA - open ERUA website

With the Viadrina being an associated member of the European Reform University Alliance (ERUA), we (ZLL) are currently collaborating with our partner institutions, especially in the field of student engagement and critical thinking.


International Network of Universities


Logo International Network of Universities

Intercultural Learning and Global Engagement is the main focus of our activities within the International Network of Universities. The network is offering a variety of events for students and staff. We are regularly participating, as well as contributing with workshops and talks. From 2021 to 2023 the Viadrina held the presidency of the network, followed by the Stellenbosch University in South Africa.
Check out the current offers and activities.


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