Writing Consultations

Writing support online
due to the Covid 19 pandemie, the Writing Center is offering feedback, consultations and writing groups online.
We make use of e-mail, phone, social media and video conference tools for this.
You are welcome to book tutoring sessions for your writing.
Please e-mail to schreibsprechstunde@europa-uni.de
- If you want feedback to your text by professional peer tutors,
- If you have questions concerning the requirements for academic writing,
- If you need help with your time management,
- If you want to know how to approach your academic writing assignment,
- If you would like to learn more about your writing process and how you can improve your writing.
We will get in contact with you to find the best way for your writing peer tutor and you to work with each other.
We use different tools, like written feedback, social media chats, phone talks and video conferences.
Find out more about our mission.
All students are invited – whether you are an experienced writer or a beginner. We support you no matter what type of text you have to write: “Hausarbeiten”, term papers, essays, reports or applications. You can ask us all kinds of questions related to writing. We welcome especially foreign students because writing a text in a foreign academic culture may be extremely difficult.
We work with you on eye-level in teamwork and without the pressure of grading. In the first tutoring session we determine at which stage of the writing process you are at the moment. We will then look for challenges you are currently facing and work with your text. For example, we might discuss your subject, look for new ideas, develope a research question or give text feedback. Generally, we first work with you on context and structure and later on style and grammar. Finally, we will decide together what your next steps are. This way you have specific goals in mind when you proceed working at home. Also, we gladly arrange the next meeting.Thus, peer tutors help you to find your own solution and answers to problems and questions concerning writing. They can assist you with your writing projects starting with finding a topic or research question, through writing the first draft to completing your writing project. They can also support you in setting up a writing time schedule, help you improve your writing skills and much more.
The peer tutors in writing have been professionally trained. The training consists of four modules and is being completed with a certificate. For more information on peer tutor training see Zentrum für Schlüsselkompentenzen.