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Study Orientation

The European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)’s Central Student Advisory Service has developed an advisory service at the university and at schools to help school pupils in their choice of studies and their future career. We work closely with the Brandenburg Study Orientation Network to offer study information days and other study-related events for school pupils, their parents and teachers.

Our events:

  • An individually organized ‘get to know us’ day at the university for school groups with the opportunity to attend lectures/seminars, a guided tour of the campus, workshops with students, a meal in the cafeteria and much more.
  • ‘Student for a day’ -  an introduction to life as a student
  • Open day on Viadrina Day
  • Interactive workshops with specially trained students (Viadrina ambassadors) with the title “Black box university – studying today” regarding the transition from school to university, a concrete presentation of the courses available and the everyday life of a student and the challenges of being a student.
  • Group sessions concerning topics such as working scientifically, decision making and researching information.
  • Support for university project days at school
  • Information evenings for parents focusing on choice of studies as a personal challenge, the university system and questions concerning finance and career opportunities
  • Training courses for teachers and counsellors from other institutions
  • Events offered by the Brandenburg Study Orientation Network of Brandenburg Universities

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The orientation focusses both on the exploration of interests and inclinations and on looking into the challenges of studying. Potential students can find their own path into student life and are well-prepared for life at university.

All events and workshops are conceived in such a way that they support the autonomy of the school pupils in their choice of studies and future career and help to improve their methodological, media and presentation skills.