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Mindfulness and Meditation

The registration deadline for the MBSR course for employees in the winter semester is 21.07.2023! 
Thank you very much!


New offer for a work-life balance in studies and job
for students and employees of the Viadrina

From 6th of December we will offer stress management tools for students and employees twice a week. In addition to meditation, progressive muscle relaxation (PMR according to Jacobson) will now also be offered.

Tuesdays: 1-1:30 pm, meditation with Ms. Carina Sprungk

Thursdays: 1-1:30 pm, PMR with
Ms. Laura Borngräber

For the online trainings, please register by email with the respective person responsible for the training:

Meditation: Carina Sprungk

PMR: Laura Borngräber

The link with the access code for the online training will be sent to you on request.

If you would like to take part in the online session, please come to the Room of Silence (HG K017) without registering.

We look forward to seeing you!

31 May 2018 - Opening Celebration

With great pleasure we are announcing the opening of our meditation room in the university's main building, room 0017 (in the basement). At the opening celebration there was a taster meditation in a relaxed atmosphere as well as some information on the topic. Marianne Tatschner of the Psychological Counselling Centre is the facilitator.

In the meditation room, also known as the Room of Silence, regular meditation groups for students and employees have been on offer free of charge since 6 June 2018. For further information please click here (in German).