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Final Theses

A thesis at the chair is usually methodologically anchored in the field of business analytics or operations research or a combination of both. Theses usually have an application-oriented focus, for example in logistics planning in the field of e-commerce or in healthcare using the example of mental illness.

If you want to write a thesis at this chair, you are welcome to mail me in advance to discuss capacities and possible topics in more detail (if you would like to suggest a topic of your own, you should always write to me beforehand). After that, you have to submit the official application for supervision of a thesis (please note the general deadlines!).

Former topics of theses: 

  • Challenges of using smartwatches as a medical tool for patients with depression (Bachelor thesis)
  • Enhancing Recommendation Systems for Online Supermarkets: Data-Driven Analysis of Shopping Baskets (Bachelor thesis)
  • Challenges and opportunities for online supermarkets: subscription-based e-commerce (Bachelor thesis)
  • The rise of home delivery services: Analysing the impact on delivery drivers' working conditions (Bachelor thesis)
  • Sustainability contribution of Reusable Systems: Data-driven analysis using the example of Berlin (Bachelor thesis)
  • Change in demand in the tourism industry - Challenges derived from real-world booking data (Master thesis)