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Viadrina Prize

Award winners since 1999

With the Viadrina Prize, the university has been honoring outstanding personalities and important initiatives from all areas of social life for their commitment to cooperation and reconciliation between Germany and Poland since 1999. The Viadrina Prize stands for international understanding, peace and freedom in a common European house and thus for the values that form the foundation of the Viadrina, which was founded in 1991 as European University. The prize is awarded annually and is endowed with 5,000 euros.

Until 2021, the prize was awarded by the board of trustees of the support group of the European University in Frankfurt (Oder). Since 2022, the Board of Trustees of the Viadrina Prize Foundation has been deciding on the prizewinners.

1st June 2023 – Prof. Dr habil. Krzysztof Ruchniewicz (historian and publicist)


Video recording of the award ceremony of the 22nd Viadrina Prize on 1st June 2023 (in German)

Picture Gallery from the award ceremony (in German)


Encouragement award:
"Literary Translation in German-Polish Cultural Dialogue"

13th October 2022 – Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein (Member of the European Parliament)


Video recording of the award ceremony of the 20th Viadrina Prize on 5 October 2021

Picture Gallery from the award ceremony (in German)

Encouragement award:
Children and Youthproject „Weimarer Dreieckchen“

5th October 2021 – Twinning Gdansk - Bremen

2021_Staedtepartnerschaft_Danzig_Bremen ©Heide Fest

Video recording of the award ceremony of the 20th Viadrina Prize on 5 October 2021 (in German and Polish)

Picture Gallery from the award ceremony


Encouragement award:
University Orchestra Viaphoniker e.V.

9th May 2019 – Agnieszka Holland (Director and script editor)

1-20190509_Viadrina-Preis_MG_9898--quadrat-175 ©Bastian Bielig

Picture gallery from the award ceremony



Encouragement award:
„Studencka Poradnia Prawa w Collegium Polonicum”;
legal advice service organised by students of the Collegium Polonicum

9th June 2017 – German-Polish Textbook Commission

175px-2017_06_09_Viadrina-Preis_MG_3039-3167 quadrat ©Heide Fest

Picture gallery from the award ceremony



Encouragement award:
„Initiative Deutschunterricht für AsylbewerberInnen (IDA)”

9th May 2016 – Prof. Dr. Anna Wolff-Powęska (Polish historian and political scientist)

2016_05_09_Viadrina-Preis-Verleihung-Anna Wolff-Poweska_MG_7170 ©Heide Fest

Picture gallery from the award ceremony



Encouragement award:
„ART an der Grenze”;
art festival organised by students 

4th May 2015 – Wolfgang Templin (Civil rights activist and publicist)

001-2015_05_04_Viadrina-Preis-Wolfgang-Templin_MG_6776-1-web ©Heide Fest

Picture gallery from the award ceremony




Encouragement award:
„Deutsch-Polnische Seniorenakademie Frankfurt (Oder) und Słubice”

12th May 2014 – Prof. Dr. Irena Lipowicz (Former polish ombudsman and Commissioner for Human Rights)

2014_05_12Viadrina-Preis_MG_1277_175pix ©Heide Fest / Pressestelle

Picture gallery from the award ceremony



Encouragement award:
„Studierendenmeile e. V.”;
student project

7th May 2013 – Hans-Dietrich Genscher (†) (Former german federal minister)

2013_Genscher ©Winfried Mausolf





Encouragement award:
„Nowa Amerika”; 
transnational german-polish project

7th May 2012 – Krzysztof Penderecki (†) (Polish composer and conductor)

2012Penderecki ©Heide Fest




Encouragement award:
„Insitute for Applied History – Society and Science in Dialogue”;
research institute founded by Viadrina-students

1st December 2010 – Volker Schlöndorff (Film director, screenwriter, filmmaker)

2010Schloendorff ©Heide Fest




Encouragement award:
student musical about Viadrina

30th November 2009 – Tadeusz Mazowiecki (†) (Former prime minister of Poland)

2009Mazowiecki ©Heide Fest   




Encouragement award:
student theatre festival

26th November 2008 – Prof. Dr. Rita Süssmuth (Former President of the Bundestag & President of Deutsches-Polen-Institut) and to "polenplus" (German-Polish magazine)

2008Suessmuth-polenplus ©Heide Fest   

Encouragement award:
„cross-border bus line”;
student project

30th November 2007 – The Copernicus Group (a joint project of the German Institute for Polish Culture in Darmstadt and the Germany and Northern Europe Institute in Szczecin)

2007Kopernikus_Gruppe ©Heide Fest   




Encouragement award:
„Kunstgriff e.V.”;
student initiative

16th November 2006 – Adam Krzemiński (Polish journalist and publicist)

2006Adam-Krzeminski ©Heide Fest   


Encouragement award:
„verbuendungshaus fforst”;
intercultural student living-project

21st November 2005 – Prof. Dr. Rudolf von Thadden (†) (German historian)

2005vonThadden ©Heide Fest   



Encouragement award:
Sarina Schewczyk; 

14th Dezember 2004 – Prof. Dr. Włodzimierz Borodziej (†) (Polish publicist and historian)

2004Wlodzimierz-Borodziej ©Heide Fest


Encouragement awards:
„Law Moot Court”;
student initiative

„Schwäbisch Hall-Zamoscz”;
town twinning

18th Dezember 2003 – Markus Meckel (German politician, SPD party, and former member of the German Bundestag)

2003MarkusMeckel ©Heide Fest  

19th November 2002 – Janusz Reiter (Former Polish ambassador in Germany)

2002_JanuszReiter ©Heide Fest   


Encouragement awards:
graduate network

project: integration of foreign students

13th July 2001– Günter Grass (†) (German author and Nobel laureate)

2001_13_07_guenther_grass ©Heide Fest


Encouragement award:
student literature project

22nd June 2000 – Adam Michnik (Polish political publicist and chief editor of "Gazeta Wyborcza")

2000_adam_michnik ©Heide Fest   




Encouragement award:
„Spotkanie” and „Interstudis”;
student initiative

8th July 1999 – Karl Dedecius (†) (German translator of Polish and Russian literature)

1999Dedecius_FotoAdamCzernenko ©Adam Czernenko