Andreas Labes
Graduates from all three Faculties (classes of 2024 and 2025) will celebrate their graduation on this special day together with their families and friends.
You can now register to participate in the Viadrina Graduation Day.
Witold Cholewa
The Graduation Day programme will contain two parts. Firstly, the certificates are awarded at the faculty's own events, afterwards you and your guests are invited to a summer champagne reception with live music on the campus square.
Ceremonial presentation of certificates
13.00 Faculty of Business Administration and Economics --> Registration
Audimax, Auditorium Maximum (AM), Logenstraße 4
13.15 Faculty of Law --> Registration
Auditorium 1, Gräfin-Dönhoff-Building (GD), Europaplatz 1
13.30 Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences --> Registration
Logensaal, Logenhaus (LH), Logenstraße 11
About 14.30 Champagne reception on the campus square
After the ceremonies, group photos of all graduates will be taken. Official photos from our Graduation Day will be available online for download after the event (you will receive the link by email).
If you have any questions about the Graduation Day, please contact alumni@europa-uni.de.
Viadrina employees are invited to participate in the Viadrina Graduation Day. Please register with the your Faculty or Alumni Relations (alumni@europa-uni.de).