Program Overview
Humanities and Social Sciences Track & Business Administration and Economics Track
We offer a variety of courses during our summer program which will take place from June 3 until July 18, 2020. Students select their course preferences from the list below. Two courses are included in the participation fee, thus we recommend all students to participate in at least these two courses in order to make full use of their academic stay abroad. Additional courses can be booked (please see Costs & Fees)
All courses equal an overall of around 30 contact hours. For a successful completion of a course, students need to regularly participate in class (min. 80% attendance), sometimes give a presentation and eventually complete an exam (oral/written) or write a number of essay. Students receive an official Transcript of Records which states their participation in the program and indicates the ECTS credit points.
Detailed information regarding the course content, assignments and schedule will be published later this summer in the syllabi.
Language Track
The language includes 140 hours of language instruction. For a successful completion of the course, students need to regularly participate in class (min. 80% attendance), complete one "midterm" exam (oral and written) and one final exam (oral and written). Students receive a language certificate which states their participation in the language course and indicates the language skills of the particpant.
Besides the academic program, the schedule includes a variety of softskill courses and workshops as well as extracurricular activities. These offers are designed to perfect your participation in the Summer School and to give you an extensive experience during your stay. These additional events are mandatory and included in the participation fee.
"It was the character of Viadrina that affected me the most. I met and made friends with people from all over the world, people I’d never imagined I would meet, all treating each other with an outpouring of mutual respect. Viadrina may be in Germany, but it was there that I became a citizen of the world."
Alec Carver, participant 2015