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Viadrina Institute for European Studies (IFES)

Summer Term 2020

Kulturwissenschaftliches Europa-Kolloquium (IFES Research Seminars)

The IFES Colloquium on Cultural Studies in the summer term 2020 is dedicated to the discussion of current work and projects as well as the presentation of recently published books by members and friends of the institute.

The meetings take place online every 14 days on Tuesdays at 4:15 p.m.

All interested parties are kindly invited to sign up by sending an e-mail to

Upcoming dates

28 April 2020

Timm Beichelt
Professor for European Studies

Emotionales Handeln in der Politik (book manuscript)

12 May 2020
(Please note: This session will start at 6 p.m.)

Book presentation:

Zeit-Schriften der Moderne - Zeitkonstruktion und temporale Selbstverortung in der polnischen Presse (1880–1914) (De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2020) by Clara Frysztacka, research associate at the Professorship for Contemporary European History.

Conversation between the author and Andreas Bähr, professor for Modern European Cultural History (EUV).

In cooperation with Lehrstuhl für Europäische Kulturgeschichte der Neuzeit (Professorship for Modern European Cultural History).

26 May 2020

Claire Gauthier
Research associate, Kelso-Stiftungsprofessur für Rechtsvergleichung, Osteuropäisches Wirtschaftsrecht und Europäische Rechtspolitik.

ConsEUmers: social construction and government of conducts of the consumer-citizen in the EU energy transition (dissertation-exposé)

2 June 2020
This event has been postponed to the session on 30 June.

Book presentation:

Susann Worschech (research associate at the Chair for European Studies) talks about her study Deutsch-Ukrainische Kulturbeziehungen. Veränderungen nach dem Euromaidan.

16 June 2020
(This session will not take place due to illness and will be postponed.)

Estela Schindel
Research associate and academic coordinator of the IFES

Bare Life at the European Borders: Technology, society and nature at the external borders of the EU (habilitation project)

30 June 2020

Publication talk:

Susann Worschech (research associate at the Chair for European Studies) presents her study Deutsch-Ukrainische Kulturbeziehungen. Veränderungen nach dem Euromaidan in conversation with Mattia Nelles (program director Ukraine, Zentrum Liberale Moderne).

The event will be facilitated by Silke Hüper (Kyjiwer Gespräche / European Exchange).

7 July 2020

Book presentation:

Europa dezentrieren: Globale Verflechtungen neu denken (Campus, 2019)

Conversation between the editors Pawel Lewicki (research associate at the Chair for Comparative Middle European Studies) and Jens Adam (Bremen), and Kira Kosnick, professor for Comparative Social and Cultural Anthropology (EUV).