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Mario Clemens

Mario_Clemens_2019 ©Mario Clemens

Institut für Konfliktmanagement (IKM)

Mario Clemens is a trained mediator and researcher at the Center for Peace Mediation.

Mario Clemens studied Cultural Studies at Europa-Universität Viadrina and took additional courses in Sociology, Philosophy and International Relations during an academic year abroad in Istanbul. He holds an M.A. in Peace and Conflict Studies from the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Magdeburg. In 2013, he completed his mediation training according to the standards of the Bundesverband für Mediation (BM).

Since 2014 he has been teaching conflict theory and mediation within the Master’s Program in Peace and Conflict Studies at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg. Currently Mario Clemens is working on theoretical and practical issues concerning the establishment of systematic conflict management within universities and research networks. Mario Clemens is a founding member and chairman of the Berlin-based mediation project ZoffOff.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Conflict Theory
  • Conflict Managemant in university context
  • Practice-oriented conflict analysis

Große Scharrnstraße 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
🏠 HG 071
☏ +49 335 5534 5304
📠 +49 335 5534 5310


  • Clemens, Mario: Rezension: Conflicted: How Productive Disagreements Lead to Better Outcomes. Konfliktdynamik 2022.
  • Clemens, Mario: „Book Review: Value, Conflict, and Order: Berlin, Hampshire, Williams, and the Realist Revival in Political Theory by Edward Hall“. LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) blog. 2022.
  • Clemens, Mario: Rezension: Tackling democracy's homemade problems: Political argument in a polarized age: Reason and democratic life, by Scott F. Aikin and Robert B. Talisse, Cambridge, UK and Medford, MA, Polity Press. 2021.
  • Clemens, Mario: Rezension: Weltbilder und Weltordnung. Einführung in die Theorien der Internationalen Beziehungen. 2018.
  • Clemens, Mario; Hochmuth, Christian: Kooperation im Hochschulkontext: top-down und bottom-up. In: Hochschulmanagement, Heft 4/2017, S. 120-127.
  • Clemens, Mario: Chancen und Grenzen interessenorientierter, fazilitativer Mediation im Kontext internationaler politischer Konflikte, in: Katharina Kriegel-Schmidt​ (Hrsg.): Mediation als Wissenschaftszweig, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden 2017, S. 201-211.
  • Clemens, Mario: Rezension: Milling: Storytelling – Konflikte lösen mit Herz und Verstand. (ZKM) 1/2017, S. 36.​
  • Clemens, Mario: Friedensmediation ein vieldeutiger Begriff. Spektrum der Mediation, 64/2016, S. 24-26.
  • Clemens, Mario: Rezension: „(Systemische!?) Mediation“, Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement (ZKM) 5/2014, S. 149 ff
  • Clemens, Mario: Rezension: Christoph Besemer: Politische Mediation. Spektrum der Mediation, 55/2014, S. 64.
  • Clemens, Mario: Rezension: Kampfzone Straße. Jugendliche Gewalttäter jetzt stoppen. Konfliktdynamik 2014, S. 263f.
  • Clemens, Mario: Rezension: Sarhan Dhouib (Hrsg.): Kultur Identität und Menschenrechte. Transkulturelle Perspektiven. Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte (zfmr) 2013.