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Peer workshops offer opportunities to train your key competences. Share and reflect what you have learned with your fellow students. Be it writing skills, reading comprehension or intercultural communication, peer workshops are aimed to improve your learning skills.

Our Workshops for the Summer Semester 2014

Intercultural workshop, Saturday, 12th of April 2014, 10 to 17 (AMk12) in english.
In the intercultural workshops offered by our student peer tutors you have the opportunity to get to know other students, learn how to study productively at the Viadrina and and get some insight on how living and studying at the Viadrina University might be different from your home university. We will also discuss methods of academic working.
Our workshops are not teacher-centered - we work in an interactive way, talk and exchange experiences in a relaxed atmosphere. Register here.
Exam Preparation for WiWis – Using Key Competencies Effectively. 
A Workshop with Peer Tutors. 26 April 2014, 9 to 17, English and 20 June 2014, 9 to 17, English