Fellows 2021
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Name: Jannis Wagner Home University: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Guest Institution: Sorbonne University, France Period of stay: November 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021 Research Focus: Felix Hartlaub’s Paris Texts "In addition to gaining content for the dissertation project, I hope to gain insights into French academic culture and into the research foci at the Sorbonne that are related to my topics. Hartlaub's Parisian texts open up access to the literary technique and narrative style of this author at the place of their creation. Especially with regard to the question of the production of a "magical realism" this is a great opportunity and thus of significant importance for the research project as a whole.” |
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Name: Elene Sichinava Home institution: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: October 27, 2021 - December 27, 2021 Research focus: International Law, Freedom of Speech, threat of democratic values by “Hate Speech” "It is a great luxury for a researcher to have an opportunity to focus solely on the research and to have access to the general academic library, which meets all research requirements. Expanding professional networks and participating in valuable seminars are the additional benefits of my stay at European University Viadrina." |
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Name: Somayeh Rahimi |
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Name: Theresa Tschenker Home University: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Guest Institution: University of the Western Cape, South Africa Period of stay: October 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021 Research Focus: Collective labour rights in women-dominated sectors, domestic workers’ rights "To compare the historically established and legal situations of strikes (in the care sector) and domestic work shall enhance my process of reflecting and creating legal solutions for striking in the health and elderly care sector as well as for the live-in care. The gained language skills shall contribute to a publication in English. For analyzing jurisdictions, it is always useful and thought provoking to compare legal systems. To study the rights, instruments and methods of a foreign legal system helps reflecting on and augmenting the already developed proposals for solution. The South African judicial system consists of elements of both the common law and the civil law. Regarding especially the collective labour law and domestic workers’ rights the South African system warrants progressive rights and mechanisms for resolving conflicts." |
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Name: István Takács Home University: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Guest Institution: University of Vienna, Austria Period of stay: October 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021 Research Focus: Historiography, Philosophy of History, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Language, Rhetoric, Narratology, Sociology of Scientific Knowledge "Long before I finished editing my first research proposal, I had contacted several experts in my field. I was fortunate enough to receive a lot of suggestions on how to combine various aspects of my project into a coherent whole. Most of the feedback I received pointed towards insights, theories and approaches linked to scholars based in Vienna. Thus, my decision to apply for a research stay in early 2021 had little to do with a general urge to go abroad; the University of Vienna simply seemed unavoidable at the time." |
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Name: Saimaiti Maimaitiming Home University: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Guest Institution: The University of Arizona, the USA Period of stay: October 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021 Research Focus: Internationalization of higher education, knowledge transfer, modernization, global intellectual history "My approach in global history – covering Germany, China, and Turkey – requires me to connect with experts in different countries. I have chosen to stay at the School of Middle Eastern and African Studies (MENAS) at the University of Arizona because my doctoral project is strongly related to the research focus of this research center and the expertise of my host professor. I believe that a stay at the University of Arizona in Tucson enormously enriches my research and helps me get in touch with more experts in my field. Moreover, I consider this fellowship as an excellent opportunity to improve my academic English. Finally, it offers a precious chance to get more primary and secondary resources." |
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Name: Beatriz Graça |
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Name: Paula Monteiro Danese |
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Name: Alexandra Pătrău Home Institution: Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Romania Guest Institution: European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: October 1, 2021 - November 30, 2021 Research focus: German literature of Bukovina; spatial research; literature; literary geography "It was an opportunity to fill in many of my bibliographic gaps, network academically with other researchers, and comprehend new perspectives about my topic." |
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Name: Ursula Woolley |
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Name: Pablo Martínez Ramil Home institution: Palacký University, Czech Republic Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: September 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021 Research focus: The impact of technological disruptions on our current understanding of EU human rights law "The European University Viadrina has recently established the European New School of Digital Studies (ENS). The researching institute perfectly suits the goals of my PhD dissertation. And that is really something, considering that the field I’m studying is still in process of development. Complex issues like the one I’m studying can only be successfully addressed from a multidisciplinary perspective. That is what the ENS is doing. Therefore, it constitutes the perfect environment for me. I intend to absorb as much as I can and bring it back with me.” |
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Name: Huseyin Uysal Home institution: University of Florida, USA Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: July 24, 2021 - October 22, 2021 Research focus: Language assessment, Language learner identity, Multilingualism "I viewed my participation in this program as helpful for me to improve my leadership skills and add on my advocacy experience for students who learn German a second language. I approached this research stay as a means to an end in that it could help me extend my dissertation work on English learners in the U.S. through a European insight and pave the way for a larger grant project. Also, I recognized its great potential to help me decompose my assumptions and biases that I have accumulated in the U.S. academia for over 6 years. In sum, this experience is likely to globalize my research agenda.” |
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Name: Evgeni Serebrennikov Home institution: University of Granada, Spain Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: July 1, 2021 - September 30, 2021 Research focus: The fight against trafficking in human beings through the harmonization of national legislations of the Member States of the European Union "I decided to spend my fourth international research stay at the European University Viadrina because of its growing role not only at the regional but also international level. I found out that the university library offers a vast range of literature that is related to my field of research and now being here, I have also access to different libraries of Berlin because it is just one hour away from Frankfurt (Oder).” |
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Name: Karolin Breda Home Institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Guest institution: The University of Deusto, Spain Period of stay: July 1, 2021 - August 30, 2021 Research focus: Minority languages, multilingualism, linguistic negotiation of identity(ies) "My goal is to collect the data necessary for my dissertation, focusing on the new speakers of Basque acting as normative authorities who teach the language at so-called euskaltegis (Basque language schools), as well as on parents (parts) who, as L2 speakers, pass Basque on to their children, again as L1, using narrative interviews and participant observation. I would also like to use the on-site presence for personal exchanges with my second supervisor, who will provide her expertise to help me with challenges during the stay. In addition to access to the library and a workspace at the local university, I will also have the opportunity to participate in thematically selected events and to network with other scholars on site." |
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Name: Jakub Martinec Home institution: Masaryk University, Czech Republic Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: June 1, 2021 - July 9, 2021 Research focus: German Law of the Service Relationship "The University Library at the Viadrina has an access, among others, to the online legal sources (for instance to the Beck-Online and Juris software) and the sources manager (Citavi). All of them are very helpful for a legal research. I can use the media of the university library for finding out the essential sources, that I would be also able to recommend to my Alma Mater, to contemplate their acquisition.” |
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Name: Phikria Bakradze Home institution: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: April 1, 2021 - June 30, 2021 Research focus: Contextual control of the standard terms of a contract (comparative legal analysis) "The research stay at the European University Viadrina serves to expand and deepen my scientific work in order to carry out the fundamental analysis of the various legal systems. The research stay will enable me to have the necessary access to literature. Then I can develop my intercultural competence through direct exchange with other scientists.” |
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Name: Mariam Bezhanishvili Home Institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Guest institution: University of Edinburgh, UK Period of stay: April 1, 2021 - June 30, 2021 Research focus: International criminal law, human rights "The research visit gives me the opportunity to access the online libraries available through the host University, as well as to interact and discuss my PhD research with the professorship and fellow scientists there. As a result, I will acquire fresh perspectives on my research topics and will have a possibility to present my academic work to a wider international audience." |
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Name: Karla Elisa Cervantes Jácome Home institution: National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: April 1, 2021 - May 31, 2021 Research focus: Behavioral science, sociology and health "My project involves biological, psychological and sociological domain. My expectation is to learn more about the sociological factors in my project and how they interact with the others to explain human behaviors." |
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Name: Thanos Liapas Home Institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of funding: March 1, 2021 - August 31, 2021 Research focus: European Studies, Political Economy "I am on the last stage of my dissertation, which can be a very demanding moment. The fellowship enables me to focus on my project and produce the best results possible. Next to the completion of my dissertation, the main goal of my fellowship is to get to know other international students from the VIP program of Viadrina and to develop my international network." |
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Name: Stephanie Godiva Home Institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: March 1, 2021 - August 31, 2021 Research focus: Multilingualism; Education policy in Latin America; Language policy "As a new doctoral candidate at the EUV, being the research assistant at the beginning of my dissertation means an opportunity to become a part of the research team of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies. It means not only the cooperation with research experts in the context of international events and collaborations, but also gives the contact and exchange with research teams from the partner universities." |
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Name: Saimaiti Maimaitiming |
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Name: Stephan Rindlisbacher |
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Name: Teona Kupradze Home institution: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia Guest institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of stay: February 1, 2021 - April 29, 2021 Research focus: Immigration policy and gender in the Discourse of European Right-Wing Populism. "My main interest is to include live elements in the research, which involves getting acquainted with the local immigration policies and cases, interviewing people working on these issues, and structural analyses. Viadrina University is an ideal platform for all this, due to students' diversity from its border location." |
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Name: Tatia Tavkhelidze Home Institution: European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany Period of funding: January 1, 2021 - June 30, 2021 Research focus: EU policies, cultural integration, Islamophobia "A completion fellowship would help me to successfully complete my dissertation in 6 months, and it represents an important stage in my academic life. Final stage of my dissertation deals with revision, methodology, and conclusions of research. For this it is necessary that, in addition to the intensive writing process, I continue to meet with experts for their advice and feedback." |