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Editing and publication grants

Do I have to provide an estimate for the editing of my text from an official editing agency or can it be done by a freelance editor?
For an application for editing funding an estimate from an official editor or editing agency is necessary. A calculation of anticipated costs is not sufficient.
What information must be included present in the estimate from the editing office?

The following information must be included when applying for funding:

  • Name and Address of the Editor/Editing agency
  • Name of the document to be edited
  • Number of words to be edited
  • Estimated time for editing
  • The cost of editing the document
Is it necessary to include a stamped and signed estimate from an editing agency with my application, or is an email sufficient?
To ensure that the editing is being undertaken by a professional editor, an official estimate from the editor or agency should be included with your application. This can, of course, be submitted by email.
Can I apply for more than 500 Euro for the editing?
Unfortunately 500 Euro is the maximum amount that can be paid for the editing of a foreign language article or foreign language monograph.
Can I apply for a retrospective editing grant?
Unfortunately not. The VIP project coordinator will issue a contract to the relevant editor/editing agency at the beginning of the assignment. Therefore editing cannot already have been completed. At the completion of the contract the agreed amount will be transferred to the agency/reader. A release of the funds to the PhD student is not possible.
Is it possible to apply for an editing grant for an article that was written as a collaboration?
This is possible. The primary author should make the application. In addition, the primary and secondary authors must be named as such.
For an application for an editing or publication grant a maximum three page summary of the foreign language article or monograph must be included. Is the reference list included in these three pages?
No. You can include the reference list for your foreign-language article or monograph in addition to your three page summary.
Can I apply for a proof reading grant from VIP more than once?
Yes, it is possible to apply for funding more than once. However, be aware that funding cannot be awarded for the same article or monograph. If you are unsure if you qualify, please contact the project coordination to discuss your case.
Is it necessary to mention the grant from VIP in my article or monograph?
Yes. It is necessary to mention the VIP grant. The following English formulation can be used:

This study received support from the Viadrina International Program – for Graduates (VIP), which is gratefully acknowledged. The VIP is promoted by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
What information must be included present in the estimate from the publishing office?

The following information must be included when applying for funding:

  • Name and Address of the Publisher/Publishing agency
  • Name of the foreign language monograph to be published as well as any other authors/secondary authors
  • The cost of the monograph to be published
Is it necessary to include a stamped and signed estimate from a publishing agency with my application, or is an email sufficient?
To ensure that the publication is being undertaken by a professional publishing agency, an official estimate from the agency should be included with your application. This can, of course, be submitted by email.
Can I apply for more than 2500 Euro for my publication costs?
Unfortunately 2500 Euro is the maximum amount that can be paid for publication.
Can I apply for a retrospective publication grant?
Unfortunately not. The VIP project coordinator will issue a contract to the relevant publisher/journal at the beginning of the assignment. Therefore publishing cannot already have been completed. At the completion of the contract the agreed amount will be transferred to the publisher/journal. A release of the funds to the PhD student is not possible.
Can I apply for a proof publication grant from VIP more than once?
Yes, it is possible to apply for funding more than once. However, be aware that funding cannot be awarded for the same article or monograph. If you are unsure if you qualify, please contact the project coordination to discuss your case.
Is it necessary to mention the grant from VIP in my article or monograph?

Yes. It is necessary to mention the VIP grant. The following English formulation can be used:

This study received support from the Viadrina International Program – for Graduates (VIP), which is gratefully acknowledged. The VIP is promoted by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.