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Degree certificate not yet available?

You would like to apply for a Master Program at Viadrina, but your first professional university degree (Bachelor or equivalent) is not yet available at the time of application?

Then please note the following!

Situation 1:

There are still some exam results missing, but based on your previous performance it can be expected that you will obtain your first professional university degree (Bachelor or equivalent) before the beginning of the master's studies.

Then we need from you at the time of application:

  • an official original letter from your university in German or English, i.e. with letterhead, seal, and signature - no copies, confirming:
    • that you are a student of this university,
    • that you will finish your studies in the current semester,
    • that you'll get the degree at the end of the semester,
    • which degree this will be,
    • and the expected average mark.
    • You must also submit an official transcript of records of your achievements to date.

Situation 2:

You have completed your studies and have already obtained your first professional university degree (Bachelor or equivalent), but your certificate has not yet been issued.

Then we need from you at the time of application:

  • an official original letter from your university in German or English, i.e. with letterhead, seal, and signature - no copies, confirming:
    • that you got the degree,
    • which degree you received,
    • when you received it,
    • the final mark.


Those letters replace the officially certified degree certificate and its official translation during the application process. But latest at the time of enrollment you have to present the final degree certificate as requested, i.e. as an officially certified copy or in the original, and the official translation into German or into English.