Academic Program
1. (Introduction to) Global Studies – Prof. Dr. Klaus Müller
The course intends to give a structured understanding of what ‘globalization’ is all about. The focus will be on the processes, institutions, values and interests which shape globalisation in specific ways. In particular, we will analyze the causes and consequences of the ongoing global financial crisis on European societies and the European Union. Is European solidarity threatened by a retreat into economic nationalism? Can the Euro-zone survive? Are post-communist countries, which tried to catch up with the West by opening up to the global markets, falling back again?
Literature: to be announced
30 contact hours + self study, exam, 6 ECTS-credits
2. Postcommunist Transformation in Eastern Central Europe and the Eastern Enlargement of the European Union – Dr. Jan Wielgohs
The course offers an introduction into post-communist transformation of East Central European societies and Eastern enlargement of the EU. It covers the following topics: historical pre-conditions, post-communist transformation, and the processes and outcomes of Eastern EU enlargement. The course consists of introductory lectures, student presentations, comments and discussions. At the end of the course, students will have basic knowledge of East Central Europe’s development in the last two decades and be familiar with major problems of both post-communist transformation and Eastern EU enlargement.
Literature: to be announced
30 contact hours + self study, exam, 6 ECTS-credits