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Re-thinking the Efficacy of International Climate Agreements Post COP15

RECAP15-Workshop „Wie weiter in der Klimapolitik?“

IMG_0358_395p ©Foto Reimund Schwarze zum Regensburg Workshop

Workshop of the Institute of Law and Economics of Climate Policy at the European University Viadrina, together with the Department of Finance and Environmental Economics at the University of Regensburg in the context of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research funded project RECAP15.

The workshop will begin on Thursday, 25 July 2013 at 2 pm and ends on Friday the 26th July 2013 at 7:30 pm. The venue is the Imperial Hall at the historic Hotel "Goldenes Kreuz" at the Haidplatz in the city center of Regensburg.

The workshop is aimed at researchers (economists, lawyers, sociologists and natural scientists) as well as representatives from politics and society, dealing with the issue of climate change. During the workshop topics on current issues and future prospects of climate policy should be interdisciplinary highlighted and discussed.



  1. Rüdiger Pethig, Thomas Eichner - "Self-enforcing environmental agreements and international trade"

    • Published Paper - click here

  2. Karen Pittel - "Klimapolitik – ein soziales Dilemma?"

  3. Wolfgang Peters, Magdalena Brzeskot, Clemens Heuson, Reimund Schwarze, Anna-Katharina Topp - "Anpassung, Vermeidung und die Rolle von Finanztransfers"

  4. Patrick Gneuss, Wolfgang Schmid, Reimund Schwarze - "Strategies of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification"

  5. Daniel Becker, Magdalena Brzeskot, Wolfgang Peters, Ulrike Will - "Grenzausgleichsinstrumente bei unilateralen Klimaschutzmaßnahmen - Eine ökonomische und WTO-rechtliche Analyse"

  6. Reimund Schwarze - "Zum Stand der internationalen Klimaverhandlungen"

  7. Friedel Bolle - "Experimente zum Klimaproblem"

  8. Wolfgang Buchholz, Aneta Ufert - "Internationale Klimapolitik - ein Fairness-Dilemma"

  9. Klaus Eisenack - "Adaptation financing in a global agreement: is the adaptation levy appropriate?"

  10. Alexander Haupt, Wolfgang Buchholz, Wolfgang Peters - "International Environmental Agreements, Fiscal Federalism, and Constitutional Choice"

  11. Barbara Schmidt - "Wenn wir heute säen, wann werden wir ernten? Ausgewählte psychologische Konzepte und deren Zusammenhang mit Klimaschutz"