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Legal ethics & Legal Philosophy

Previous IZE co-organised conferences with emphasis on legal ethics and legal philosophy focused on issues directly relevant to practical problems – concerning, for example, problems of the political transformation in Eastern Europe – but also encompassing questions like the role and definition of universal human rights in the constitutional state.

The publications resulting from the conferences collate a variety of perspectives from different disciplines. The authors in "Discrimination – Anti-Discrimination" (= Diskriminierung – Antidiskriminierung, Springer 1996), for example, pursue the issue of discrimination, and what is to be done against it, in the fields of law and politics as well as in the fields of technology development and everyday life. The international composition of the conferences allows for comparison of the different ethical and legal cultures.

A particular role plays the co-operation with scientists from Eastern Europe as well as the active exchange with the Anglo-Saxon tradition of legal ethics and legal philosophy. In September 2002 the IZE hosts the Annual Conference of the International Association of Legal and Social Philosophy (IVR), German Section.

Since 2005 there is an exchange with the recently renamed Immanuel-Kant-University Kaliningrad, Russia, which started in May 2005 with a workshop concerning Kant's essay “To Perpetual Peace” in Kaliningrad and continued in November 2005 with a workshop about “The Culture of Criminal Law” in Frankfurt (Oder).


