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Viadrina Institute for European Studies (IFES)

Media appearances and interviews

Dissemination of research results and statements on current affairs through interviews for, amongst others, Radio Berlin Brandenburg, Deutsche Welle TV, Deutschlandradio Kultur, Radio France International as well as the news agency Télam, the newspaper Clarín, the radio stations Argentina Investiga (Universidad del Comahue) and Continental (Argentina), as well as the magazine Brecha and the newspaper La Diaria (Uruguay)

El miedo como legitimador [Fear as Legitimation]
Entrevista con Estela Schindel sobre los controles biométricos en las fronteras
[Interview with Estela Schindel on biometric border controls]
Brecha (Uruguay), 16 December 2016

Socióloga advierte sobre la opacidad con la que se tratan los controles biométricos
[Sociologists warns of risks with biometric controls]
Interview with Dr. Estela Schindel
La Diaria (Uruguay), 14 December 2016