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Research at Viadrina

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This page gives you an overview of current important research activities at our University. If you would like to regularly receive research news to read on your PC or smartphone, please sign up for our newsletter: 

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Research Spotlight


Our current research spotlight falls on Professor Claudia Weber and her book "Der Pakt. Stalin, Hitler und die Geschichte einer mörderische Allianz, 1939-1941".

In our interview, Ms. Weber discusses central aspects of her work and presents ideas on how to support researchers as well as doctoral and postdoctoral candidates. We are grateful for the contribution.

Dear Professor Weber,  

Your book „Der Pakt. Stalin, Hitler und die Geschichte einer mörderischen Allianz 1939-1941“, published in 2019, has gained considerable attention in academia as well as in the media. Could you summarize the central insights of your research?

The primary aim of my book was to examine the history of the German-Soviet Alliance from 1939 to 1941. It is widely known that the “Third Reich” and the Soviet Union came into World War II as allies due to the Hitler-Stalin Pact. However, the numerous connections and entanglements of this alliance, from joint resettlements to the cooperation of violent actors of the NKVD and the SS, are barely [...]

Completed Dissertations

This section presents a selection of recently completed, excellent PhD projects as chosen by the Faculties. Our congratulations!

Faculty of Law


Klaus-Christian Fritzsche: Innovative Lebensmittel im europäischen Verwaltungsverfahrensrecht - Die Zulassung von Novel Food als Risikoentscheidung.

[Detailed information in German]


Patrycja Magdalena Hirsch: Ehegatten- und Kindesunterhalt im deutschen und polnischen Recht - eine vergleichende Analyse.

[Detailed information in German]


René Scholz: Die europäische Energieverwaltung vor dem Hintergrund des Integrationsgefüges in der Europäischen Union.

[Detailed information in German]

Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences
Nika Loladze: Impact of Current Socio-Economic Transformations on Migratory Movements of Georgia's Greek Community.

Mass emigration processes from Georgia started right after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and ethnic groups residing in Georgia were and still are actively involved in this process. Based on this research, it becomes clear [...]


Anne-Sophie Overkamp: Ein Eldorado der Fleißigen, ein Zion der Gläubigen, ein Ort der Bildung - Das Wuppertal und seine Kaufmannsfamilien, 1760 - 1840.

[Detailed information in German]

Markus Pieper: Parteiauftrag: Städtepartnerschaft. Kommunal- und Parteipartnerschaften zwischen der DDR und der Volksrepublik Polen und die Städepartnerschaft Dresden-Breslau mit einem Ausblick auf heute.

[Detailed information in German]
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics


Mona Florian: Volunteering during the 'refugee crisis'. Ethnographic insights from a German volunteer organisation.

[Detailed information in German]

Van Lück

Nicola van Lück: Die Internationalisierung und Supranationalisierung des deutschen Ertragsteuerrechts – Ausgewählte Problemfelder des Zusammenwirkens von nationalem Steuerrecht, europäischen und internationalen Bestimmungen.

[Detailed information in German]

Third-Party Funding for Research Projects

This category introduces externally funded research projects with a volume exceeding 100.000 € . We would like to congratulate all researchers to their success! 

Ines Härtel: "Agrarsysteme der Zukunft DAKIS – Digitales Wissens- und Informationssystem für die Landwirtschaft."

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) / Projektträger Jülich (PTJ), Volume: 387.307 €

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Dek-Kuwi_UV_6178 Müller_1

Cornelia Müller: "Multimodal Stancetaking: Expressive Movement and Affective Stance. Political Debates in the German Bundestag and the Polish Sejm."

German Research Foundation (DFG) & Polish National Science Center (NCN): "Beethoven Classic 3": Polish-German Funding Initiative, Volume: 201.850 €

[Detailed information in German]

Prof. Dr. Martin Eisend: "Explaining Cross-Cultural Variations in the Use and Effects of Humor in Advertising."

German Research Foundation (DFG) & Polish National Science Center (NCN): "Beethoven Classic 3": Polish-German Funding Initiative, Volume: 190.633 €

Humor is one of the most effective tools in advertising, but people with different cultural backgrounds apply humor to varying degrees, use different types of humor, and respond to humor differently. Previous research has failed to explain [...]

Wolfgang Schmid: "Sequenzielle Überwachung des Lagerverhaltens und des Kovarianzverhaltens hochdimensionaler Zeitreihen."

German Research Foundation (DFG), Volume: 189.700 €

[Detailed information in German]

Recent Publications

In this section, we present to you a choice of recent publications as selected by the Faculties. We are especially pleased to open the current list with a common publication by all three Faculties:


Eva Kocher, Isabell Hensel, Daniel Schönefeld, Anna Schwarz, Jochen Koch (Hg.): Selbstständige Unselbstständigkeit. Crowdworking zwischen Autonomie und Kontrolle. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2019.

[Detailed information in German]

 Faculty of Law


Gudrun Hochmayr (Hg.): Waffen und gefährliche Werkzeuge als Strafschärfungsgrund. Rechtsvergleich und Reform. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 2019.

[Detailed information in German]

Ines Härtel: Digitalisierung im Lichte des Verfassungsrechts – Algorithmen, Predictive Policing, autonomes Fahren. In: LKV (Verwaltungsrechts-Zeitschrift Landes- und Kommunalverwaltung) 2/2019, 29. Jahrgang, S. 49-60.

[Detailed information in German]


Ulrich Häde: Bearbeitung der Stichworte: Euro – Die gemeinsame Währung; Europäischer Stabilitätsmechanismus (ESM); Europäische Zentralbank (EZB); Europäisches System der Zentralbanken (ESZB); Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspakt; Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion (WWU), in: Schöbener (Hg.): Europarecht, Lexikon zentraler Begriffe und Themen. Heidelberg: C.F. Müller, 2019, S. 173-176, 272-276, 277-281, 310-314, 720-723, 844-849.

[Detailed information in German]

Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences


Andreas Reckwitz: Das Ende der Illusionen. Politik, Ökonomie und Kultur in der Spätmoderne. Berlin: Suhrkamp (edition suhrkamp), 2019.

[Detailed information in German]


Kerstin Schoor:

סופרות וסופרים יהודים בגרמניה הנאצית: פרק נשכח בתולדות הספרות הגרמנית

(sofrot ve-sofrim yehudim be-germania ha-natsit: perek nishkah be-toldot ha-sifrut ha-germanit / Jüdische Autorinnen und Autoren im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland: Ein vergessenes Kapitel in den Geschichten deutschsprachiger Literatur, erw. und mit umfangreichem Dokumentenanhang), in: Yad Vashem Publications. Jerusalem: Carmel Publishing House, 2019.

[Detailed information in German]


Theresa Heyd, Ferdinand von Mengden, Britta Schneider (Hg.): The Sociolinguistic Economy of Berlin. Cosmopolitan Perspectives on Language, Diversity and Social Space. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019.

[Detailed information in German]

Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

Timon Beyes, Jana Costas, Günther Ortmann: Novel Thought: Towards a Literary Study of Organization, in: Organization Studies.

Novels espouse an epistemological freedom that is beyond even experimental forms of scholarly research and writing. Precisely this freedom makes novels so conducive to thought. Their enduring presence in organization studies [...]

Mona Florian, Jana Costas, D. Kärreman: Struggling with meaningfulness when context shifts. Volunteer work in a German refugee shelter, in: Journal of Management Studies, 3/2019, Vol. 56, pp. 589-616.

This article draws on an ethnographic study of volunteer work in a German refugee shelter to explore how individual experiences of meaningfulness are intertwined with shifting discursive and organisational contexts. At the beginning of the so‐called refugee crisis, [...]

Taras Bodnar, Solomiia Dmytriv, Nestor Parolya, Wolfgang Schmid: Tests for the Weights of the Global Minimum Variance Portfolio in a High-Dimensional Setting, in: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 17/2019, Vol. 67, pp. 4479-4493.

In this paper, we construct two tests for the weights of the global minimum variance portfolio (GMVP) in a highdimensional setting, namely, when the number of assets p depends on the sample size n such that p/n → d ∈ (0, 1) as n tends to infinity. In the case of a singular covariance matrix with rank equal to q we assume [...]



Postdoc-Preis des Landes Brandenburg für Dr. Susann Worschech

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Nachwuchspreis der Historischen Kommission zu Berlin e.V. für Veronika Dyminska

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Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland für Prof. Dr. Karl Schlögel

[Detailed information in German]

Copyright Foto: Bundesregierung / Gero Breloer

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