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Research Training Groups

Research training groups are directed by several professors. Their aim is to conduct research within a clearly defined subject. It is within this framework that PhD researchers write their thesis and benefit from special structures, such as supervision by several tutors, a formal curriculum, career development opportunities, mandatory reporting, etc. Postdocs may also be members of a research training group.

The following research training groups exist at Viadrina:

  • Interdisciplinary Polish Studies (all faculties)
    This research training group is located at the Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies (ZIP) and is represented by Professor Dr. Dagmara Jajeśniak-Quast (Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Director of the ZIP). The Center was founded in 2011 with funding from the Federal State of Brandenburg. Since 2013, funding has been available from the Hanns Seidel Foundation which has put the research training group on a secure long-term financial footing. Fourteen PhD students are currently writing their dissertations here.

Follow this link to view past research training groups at Viadrina.

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